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Fritz Perls Training and Research Institute in Gestalt Psychotherapy


The Gestalt Center is an institution that promotes the development of mental health through courses, diplomas, workshops that aim to teach people to manage their emotions in order to live better and in harmony with those around them, as well as master's degrees and doctorates that form Gestalt Psychotherapists.

The Gestalt Center is an institution that promotes the development of mental health through courses, diplomas, workshops that aim to teach people to manage their emotions in order to live better and in harmony with those around them, as well as master's degrees and doctorates that form Gestalt Psychotherapists.

  • Monterrey

    Avenida Lázaro Cárdenas,1111, 64790, Monterrey

      Institution also offers:

      Fritz Perls Training and Research Institute in Gestalt Psychotherapy