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Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

The main topics he deals with are those of Europe , of democracy , of work , of the city , of resources , analyzed starting from their historical roots and from the study of good practices and relevant cases .

The primary objective of the research area is to put into dialogue the academy and the world of companies and associations. More importantly, the Foundation's desire to return research results to the public through initiatives, editorial and educational products, exhibitions and performative moments that use a plurality of languages and methods, designed with a view to directly involving citizens.

Since 1949, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli - born as a library and later became an Institute - collects the sources necessary for the study of the history of ideas and social movements and makes them available to researchers, institutions and universities in a network that has 350 institutions of all the world. Built around a heritage that includes 1.5 million archive cards , 250,000 volumes , 17,500 magazine titles and 15,000 posters , posters and affiches , the Foundation immediately established itself on the international scene as a center for conservation and research on history. political, social, economic and cultural, with particular attention to the study and decoding of the contemporary .

The new headquarters of the Feltrinelli Foundation inside the building in Viale Pasubio, the first public building in Italy designed by the Swiss studio Herzog Filippo Romano - Feltrinelli Foundation Viale Pasubio


Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli proposes a calendar of activities aimed at different audiences : in addition to the dissemination linked to the contemporary debate , with activities that take place primarily in the Multipurpose Room , meetings are organized around the book and reading , which have as their own the aim is to enhance the archival heritage and promote free and independent knowledge, addressing issues ranging from paper books to technological innovations, from creative commons to the management of digital sources.

In addition, the Foundation promotes innovative teaching for students, teachers, children and adults, in presence and remotely, which experiments with unconventional learning techniques, often based on learning by doing , in order to offer a functional experience to a real inclusion in the world of work . The educational area of the Foundation is the point of arrival of a supply chain that aims to enhance the heritage and the results of research in view of the dissemination of content. With the aim of responding to the current training needs determined by the constantly changing transformation of the labor market, the Foundation's educational programs are aimed at a diversified public: Professionals, Post-graduates and researchers, Secondary schools, Kids.

Post-graduate teaching offer

Master's Degree in Public History

To respond to a constantly evolving world of work, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and the University of Milan are promoting the I level Master in Public History "The story of history, the professions of culture". A course of higher education studies that intends history as a job of the future in the 4.0 work scenario.

With lessons from project management to communication in the cultural field, from applied historiography to new media to audiovisual production for cross-disciplinary training, vocational training and focused on transversal skills.

The educational offer, which includes theoretical and methodological sessions, is enriched with laboratories, internships, workshops and field experiences in collaboration with cultural institutions, companies and private companies operating in the publishing and media sector, in the field of museums and archival assets. bibliographic and historical. Over 25 Master's partners including organizations, institutions, companies connected to historical narration, communication and the enhancement of a cultural heritage.

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Master's Degree in Sustainable Development Jobs

Globalization , the digital revolution , the ecological crisis , the unsustainability of contemporary economic systems are just some of the great phenomena that are redesigning the main development challenges portrayed by the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) of the UN agenda. In this changing and complex scenario, which calls for action by institutions, research institutions and international organizations, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and the University of Milan-Bicocca promote the first Master's Degree in Sustainable development Jobs "the jobs of sustainability", in collaboration with the University of Milan, the Polytechnic of Milan, the University of Pavia and the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS). A highly professionalizing, multidisciplinary path, strongly oriented towards the world of work, which puts theory and sustainability practices in close connection. The training course consists of educational activities which, in addition to the theoretical frameworks of the topics addressed, provide the tools for analysis, design, management and monitoring essential for the understanding and integrated management of the social, environmental, economic and cultural aspects that fuel development sustainable.

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  • Milan

    Viale Pasubio 5 Milano, 20154, Milan

    Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli