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Finis Terrae University

Finis Terrae University

Finis Terrae University


Finis Terrae University is considered a Catholic Institution of higher education and is part of the Educational Institutions of the Regnum Christi Movement.

The University is an academic community of higher education in which its professors and students, in a rigorous and critical way, contribute to personal training, the progress of science, and the development of cultural heritage, through research, teaching, and various broadcasting services offered to society.

It is a form of presentation of the Catholic Church in the world of science and culture, which supposes the formation of a community that tirelessly seeks the truth, proposes an integral and transcendent vision of man, and expresses an express ethical concern, in fidelity to the Gospel. It also supposes a vocation of service to the person and a commitment to justice and the common good.


  • Providencia

    Avenida Pedro de Valdivia,1509, , Providencia
