Master's degree in Managing Nonprofit and Public Services
Linz, Austria
4 Semesters
Part time
30 Jun 2025
Oct 2025
EUR 363 / per semester *
* plus the ÖH contribution for students from EU and EEA countries | for students from third countries: €726.72 per semester
Your springboard for the nonprofit, healthcare and public sectors
The part-time master's program offers industry-specific general management training with a focus on nonprofit organizations and public institutions. With experts from science and practice, the state of the art and trends in nonprofit and public management are worked on in small groups so that sound industry-specific skills are acquired at master's level.
As part of the course, students independently carry out projects for nonprofit organizations and public institutions. This means that the knowledge they have learned is transferred directly into practice. Various elective modules enable further and individual specialization, for example in healthcare or social management.
Providing a holistic understanding of management in nonprofit organizations and the public sector prepares students as best as possible for future challenges as managers.
Important facts
- Organisational form: Part-time
- Academic degree: Master of Arts in Business (MA)
- Admission procedure: Interview
- Costs: Information on tuition fees and ÖH contribution
- Duration of study: 4 semesters
- Language: German
- ECTS: 120
- Leadership und Human Resource Management
- Digital Leadership
- Strategisches Prozessmanagement
- New Public Management und New Public Governance
- Strategisches Management
- Strategic Marketing
Innovation und Transformation
- Innovations- und Transformationsmanagement
Steuerung und Ressourcen
- Sustainable Management
- Strategisches Controlling und Finanzierung
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
- Masterarbeit
- Advanced Research Skills
- Projektwerkstatt 2
- Projektwerkstatt 1
- Übergreifende Themen des Sozial- und…
- Übergreifende Themen des NPO und Public Management
- Spezialfragen des Public Management
- Spezialfragen des NPO Management
- Spezialfragen des Sozialmanagements
- Spezialfragen des Gesundheitsmanagements
- Rechtliche Besonderheiten im Sozial- und…
- Rechtliche Besonderheiten im NPO und Public…
- Sprachkompetenz
Wahlpflichtmodule für künftige Führungskräfte, die mitentscheiden wollen
Eine Vielzahl von Wahlpflichtmodulen ermöglicht den Studierenden eine weiterführende Spezialisierung entsprechend ihrer Interessen, der aktuellen beruflichen Position und den persönlichen Zukunftsvorstellungen.
Als Inhalte einzelner Wahlpflichtmodule können exemplarisch die Finanzierung sozialer Dienstleistungen, Zukunftsthemen im Sozialmanagement, Konzern- und Beteiligungsmanagement, Öffentliche Finanzierung, International Best Practice, Öffentliches Dienstrecht, Vergaberecht und Vergabewesen, Arbeitsrecht sowie aktuelle Themen des Public Managements, Konzepte integrierter Versorgung, Gesundheitsmanagement, Gesundheitsökonomie, strategisches Fundraising und strategisches Freiwilligenmanagement angeführt werden. Weiterführende Informationen zu den Wahlpflichtmodulen sind auf der Webseite des Studiengangs dargestellt (
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
The management skills acquired enable graduates to take on senior and middle-level management positions as well as staff functions or higher-level advisory roles in nonprofit organizations and public institutions. Potential employers for our graduates include numerous organizations in the nonprofit sector such as clubs, associations or interest groups as well as the public sector - administration, district authorities, magistrates, municipalities, international organizations, public companies. The institutions represent a wide range of topics such as social services,
Education, healthcare, culture, leisure and sport, representation of citizens' and consumers' interests, infrastructure, technology and regional development, economic development, housing or environmental and nature conservation
Good to know
With over 400 graduates, the master's degree program is one of the established course offerings at the FH Upper Austria. The combined course combines the advantages of classroom study and online components (30%). The blocked lecture times on Friday (from midday), Saturday and one block week per semester offer ideal conditions for studying alongside your job.
Program delivery
Organisational form: Part-time - on-site study with 30% online components.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.