Master's degree for development engineer in mechanical engineering
Wels, Austria
4 Years
Full time
30 Jun 2025
Oct 2025
EUR 363 / per semester *
* plus the ÖH contribution for students from EU and EEA countries | for students from third countries: €726.72 per semester
Master Proven Technology In Step With The Times
Mechanical engineering is a tried and tested course of study that is in tune with the times with its many modern trends such as simulation, lightweight construction and bionics. The development of ever lighter and at the same time highly stressed components in automobiles, aircraft or in the manufacturing or plant industry requires the use of sophisticated, innovative calculation, simulation and analysis methods. This course of study opens the door to the fascinating world of modern mechanical engineering research and development.
Important facts
Graduates have access to a wide range of career opportunities in a variety of industries (e.g. automotive and supplier industry, machine tool construction, automation technology, aerospace industry or energy technology). Typical fields of activity for graduates are calculation engineer (strength, dynamics and acoustics, heat propagation, fluid mechanics or mechatronics), test engineer (conception, implementation and evaluation of test bench tests), managerial and coordinating activities in the R&D area, self-employed and freelance activities (e.g. technical office for mechanical engineering, engineering consultant, civil engineer).
- Organizational form: Full-time
- Academic degree: Graduate engineer for technical and scientific professions (DI or Dipl.-Ing.)
- Admission procedure: consultation and admission interview
- Costs: Information on tuition fees and ÖH contribution
- Duration of study: 4 semesters
- Language: German
- ECTS: 120
Career Opportunities
What comes next?
Graduates are taught the ability to solve development, calculation, research or optimization tasks independently and efficiently in various industries. The courses for the technical and basic knowledge required are rounded off by economic subjects and courses to promote social skills.
The master's degree program is intended to complement and deepen the basic bachelor's degree program. The concept of the course is also designed in such a way that it can generally be completed by graduates of bachelor's courses with a technical (mechanical engineering-related) focus.
Good to know
The Wels mechanical engineering course opens the door to the fascinating world of simulations for graduates. These already shape modern mechanical engineering today and will continue to gain in importance in the future. The demand for academics in this area is enormous
Semester 1
- Höhere und numerische Mathematik
- Höhere und numerische Mathematik
- Mechanik fester Körper
- Mechanik fester Körper
- Mehrkörperdynamik
- Mehrkörperdynamik
- Messtechnik
- Messtechnik
- Wisnschaftliches Arbeiten
- Wahlpflichtfächer I
Semester 2
- Statistik
- Statistik
- Regelungstechnik
- Regelungstechnik
- Finite Elemente Methode
- Finite Elemente Methode
- Numerische Fluiddynamik
- Numerische Fluiddynamik
- Fallstudien
Semester 3
- Prüfstandstechnik
- Prüfstandstechnik
- Vertiefungsminar
- Datenaufbereitung/Visualisierung
- Digitale Transformation im MB
- Systems Engineering
- Ausgewählte Kapitel zur Digitalisierung
- Cyber-physikalische Modeldung
- Interkulturelle Kommunikation
- F&E-Projektarbeit
Semester 4
- Wahlpflichtfächer II
- Masterarbeit
- Masterarbeit-minar
- Masterprüfung
Empfohlene Wahlpflichtfächer 1. mester
- BWL für Entscheidungsträger
- Verhandeln
- Englisch 1
Empfohlene Wahlpflichtfächer 4. mester
- Führung
- Recht f. Entscheidungsträger
- Technisch-naturwisnschaftliche Grundlagen (Höhere Mathematik, Statistik)
- Maschinenbau & Mechatronik: Regelungstechnik, Mechatronik, Mechanik
- Berechnungsmethoden für Festigkeit und Betriebsfestigkeit, Maschinendynamik, Wärmemanagement, Strömungstechnik
- Computerunterstützte (numerische) Simulation: Finite Elemente Methoden, Mehrkörpersimulation, Strömungssimulation, etc.
- Experimentelle Prüfmethoden mit Berücksichtigung der Synergien mit den Simulationsmethoden
- F&E-Projektarbeiten, Fallstudien, Masterarbeit
- Social Skls, Betriebswirtschaft, Englisch
Raus Aus Der Theorie
Das Studium vermittelt alle zur Bewältigung komplexer F&E-Aufgabenstellungen notwendigen Kompetenzen und führt über konkrete Fallstudien, Projekt- und minararbeiten an die Praxis in F&E-Projekten heran. Die intensive F&E-Tätigkeit am Campus Wels ermöglicht bereits während des Studiums die Mitarbeit an maschinenbaulichen F&E-Themen in enger Kooperation mit namhaften Unternehmen.
Program Tuition Fee
Student Testimonials
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.