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Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW


The Masterstudio Design at the Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) is composed of three studios: Masterstudio Industrial Design, Masterstudio Scenography, Masterstudio Fashion Design. Each studio has a disciplinary focus. In addition, the research discourse of the ICDP focuses on Digital Integration, Design Cultures and Circular Design and are reflected and communicated multidimensionally. The basis of our applied research and project work is the design term "Advanced Design". Instead of the current economic practice of maximisation, we adopt the role of the extrapreneur in teaching and design, which stands for collaboration and systemic action: Current issues on global crises, climate change and social inequality are discussed and further developed. Sustainability and ecology, inclusion and technology, interaction and materiality are the fields in which the role of design is questioned and new visions for human coexistence and economic activity are defined. The Masterstudio Design offers in-depth training in professional, future-oriented design practice and applied research. Relevant research questions are identified and defined, appropriate and complex design processes are conceived, projects are developed and implemented. Communication, project management, cross-disciplinary and research-oriented teamwork are components of the training.

Studying at the Masterstudio Design

The Masterstudio Design at the Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) is composed of three studios: Masterstudio Industrial Design, Masterstudio Scenography, Masterstudio Fashion Design. Each studio has a disciplinary focus. In addition, the research discourse of the ICDP focuses on Digital Integration, Design Cultures and Circular Design and are reflected and communicated multidimensional.

The basis of our applied research and project work is the design term "Advanced Design". Instead of the current economic practice of maximisation, we adopt the role of the extrapreneur in teaching and design, which stands for collaboration and systemic action: Current issues on global crises, climate change and social inequality are discussed and further developed. Sustainability and ecology, inclusion and technology, interaction and materiality are the fields in which the role of design is questioned and new visions for human coexistence and economic activity are defined.

The Masterstudio Design offers in-depth training in professional, future-oriented design practice and applied research. Relevant research questions are identified and defined, appropriate and complex design processes are conceived, projects are developed and implemented.

Communication, project management, cross-disciplinary and research-oriented teamwork are components of the training.

Apply until March 15th, 2023! Find more information here.

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  • Basel

    Basel, Switzerland

    Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW