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European Humanities University


EHU carries out its activities within the European intellectual tradition and is guided by the principles of liberal education. Education at EHU is carried out according to the liberal arts model, which allows to maximally reveal the creative and academic potential of the student, as well as to form the skills of critical thinking and active citizenship. The high competitiveness of EHU educational programs significantly increases students' chances of successful employment in various fields of activity. EHU graduates receive diplomas that are recognized throughout Europe and North America.

EHU carries out its activities within the European intellectual tradition and is guided by the principles of liberal education. Education at EHU is carried out according to the liberal arts model, which allows to maximally reveal the creative and academic potential of the student, as well as to form the skills of critical thinking and active citizenship. The high competitiveness of EHU educational programs significantly increases students' chances of successful employment in various fields of activity. EHU graduates receive diplomas that are recognized throughout Europe and North America.

EHU is a student-centered University for promotes civil society development through Humanities and Liberal Arts for students from Belarus and the region by bringing them together and offering international experience in study quality. The University is oriented toward civically-minded students from Eastern Europe, distinguished by a commitment to the European values and Liberal Arts as well as rich on-campus life and alumni network.

Education at EHU does more than immerse students in a range of subjects and disciplines. It promotes a transdisciplinary approach, critical thinking skills, as well as civic engagement that empower them to develop innovative solutions, ideas, and enterprises.

Our Values

  • European values – to encourage comprehensive student improvement and democratic attitudes toward personal and civil development using liberal teaching and learning and critical thinking.
  • Study quality – to demonstrate superior academic and co-curricular experience.
  • Agility – to ensure a timely and adequate response to changes in the external and internal environment.


  • Students are free to express their opinions and challenge ideas presented in the classroom without fear of reprisals;
  • Students and scholars are free to conduct research without ideological restrictions;
  • Students and scholars are free to express their political views and are encouraged to be active members of civil society;
  • Students and scholars are encouraged to express themselves in Belarusian and explore their Belarusian heritage;
  • Governance and finances are overseen by an international Governing Board.

Mission and Strategy

Since its founding in Minsk in 1992, the European Humanities University has remained committed to producing and disseminate socially responsible and critical knowledge in the social sciences and the humanities, ensuring quality education through the integration of study programs with research, creative and applied projects.

According to the EHU Strategy for 2021-2026, the University will continue to increase the quality of academic and research experience, ensure innovative approaches in teaching and learning, promote intercultural dialogue and include Belarus in the European political and academic community.

EHU Impact

EHU has a strong indirect impact on Belarus, which today is expressed rather in providing a platform to network for graduates with close (democratic) values.

The potential effect can be enforced by strengthening connections with civil society organizations, resolving internal issues, and improving educational curriculum.

Read more on the institution's website

  • Vilnius

    Savičiaus gatvė, 17, 01126, Vilnius

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European Humanities University