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EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability


EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability is a strong partnership between nine universities developing science and innovation into a hub of excellence on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS). EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability promotes common European values and a strengthened European identity by bringing together a new generation of Europeans, who can cooperate and work within different European cultures, in different languages, and across borders.

The EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability is an integrated transnational higher education and research institution.


The EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability is committed to creating a new institutional framework for higher education in Europe that allows for a truly European way of studying and carrying out research through institutional alignment and seamless mobility for all.


The EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability is an integrated transnational higher education and research institution covering the smart urban sustainable coastal development form a holistic perspective. The thematic focus creates a unique competitive advantage for EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability which is well positioned to assemble and build on complementary thematic expertise from all its partners and regional ecosystems, through inter- and transdisciplinary based approaches.

Perfectly distributed across Europe, the campus covers all European coasts. Students, teachers, researchers, and staff are studying, teaching, conducting their research activities, innovating and working on a European scale.


  • To provide common European degrees and common European diplomas
  • 50% mobility of students and academic personnel
  • A European higher education inter‐university ‘campus’ based on an ever‐closer academic and administrative integration
  • To integrate bachelor, master and PhD programmes which will combine the strengths in education, research and innovation
  • To integrate multidisciplinary, multilingual and innovative joint educational programmes
  • To approach education and research to business and public policy-making
  • To become the global leader in higher education and research in the area of smart urban coastal sustainability, with a perspective of expansion beyond the size of its founding consortium
Read more on the institution's website

EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability campuses are located all over Europe:

La Rochelle Université

+33 5 86 56 22 02 23 avenue Albert Einstein BP 33060 - 17031 La Rochelle

Agricultural University of Greece

+30 21 0529 4900 Iera Odos 75, Athina 118 55, Greece

Catholic University of Valencia, Spain

+34 96 363 74 12 2 Quevedo Street, Vale

Klaipeda University

+370 46 398906 H. Manto str. 84, Klaipėda 92294, Lithuania

University of Zadar

+385 23 200 555 Mihovila Pavlinovića 1, Zadar, Croatia

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest

+40 21242 11 61 122-124 Lacul Tei Bld., s2, 020396, Bucharest

  • La Rochelle Université, France A human-sized university specialising in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability issues.
  • The Agricultural University of Athens, Greece Provides a high level of Education and Research since 1920.
  • Catholic University of Valencia, Spain Professional and personal growth of students, staff, and society.
  • Klaipeda University, Lithuania A national and Baltic Region leader in the field of marine sciences.
  • The University of Zadar, Croatia A space of creativity and transfer of new knowledge and technologies.
  • Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania We build education in engineering since 1818 in Romania.

The EU‐CONEXUS alliance is committed to implementing the idea of 'more mobility for more Europe', or as we can interpret it 'more Europe and more opportunities for our students'.

During the programme you will be able to live in 3 or more different countries. Valencia, Spain, France, Croatia, Lithuania, and Greece.

You can find out more information on these opportunities on the institute web page.

    1st round: EMJM
    Scholarships and

    Deadline 1st
    Round: 15/02/2024

    2nd round: Self-funded
    and partial

    Deadline 2nd
    Round: 31/03/2024

    Application documents:

    • Diploma of Bachelor degree, or equivalent in language of origin and an official translation into English. Apostilled or legalised by Spanish embassy.
    • Diploma Supplement or Transcript of records (in language of origin and an official translation into English) showing full details of courses studied and grades/marks obtained.
    • A letter from the University stating that his/her Bachelor gives access to Master’s studies.
    • Certificate to proof of English language proficiency (see requirements), if English is not a native language. The certificate must be issued during the last 2 years.
    • Statement of purpose completed with comments/justification about the preference for the track (specialisation) in JMPMB.
    • CV with the emphasis on professional/research experience in the related subject and extracurricular activities (Europass CV format is highly recommended).
    • 2 academic recommendation letters (the letters must be not older than 6 months, signed, they must contain a date and they must be on letterhead paper, and include the referees signature or official stamp).
    • Copy of the photo page of passport or ID (for the EU citizens only).

    Complementary documents:

    • Scientific articles, if any. The articles may be listed in the CV with the link to the journal where it is published and object identifier (OID) number.
    • Proof of volunteering and/or work activities (e.g. certificate, report, membership payment slip, etc.).

    EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability joint Master programme in Marine Biotechnology has been selected by the Erasmus+ programme Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (2022-2027, Project No. 101050597 – JMPMB) and is be able to offer more than 20 scholarships yearly to the best applicants.

    ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarships

    Erasmus Mundus scholarships will be offered to the best candidates following the selection procedure. The applications to start studies in September 2023 shall be submitted by 28/02/2023. Read the JMPMB Admission procedure and Apply now!

    It is foreseen to offer about 20 scholarships yearly for the entire period of the study programme.

    The scholarship is awarded for full-time enrolment and will cover the entire duration of the Master's programme. The monthly scholarship is 1400 EUR. The scholarship will be a contribution to the costs incurred by the beneficiary students and shall cover the student’s participation in the programme (i.e., the student does not pay any tuition fees), travel, visa and a living cost.


    There are 5 places available with 100% and 5 places with 50% discount for tuition fee. Applicants are also able to apply for partial scholarships to cover their living costs during 6-12 months until the candidates show their best performance.

    Eligible for students from all EU-CONEXUS countries and everybody who has not obtained a grant in the 1st round yet.

    For more information on these opportunities, please visit the institute's web page.

    Learn from the best: Enrol and be inspired by our team of specialist thematic researchers. Participate in cutting-edge research in blue biotechnology. Learn from leading industry experts bringing real work experience into the classes. Tackling marine biotechnology challenges through multidisciplinary understanding.

    Studies with no border: Study in European Universities from four different countries. Participate in transnational research teams. Gain a Joint Masters Degree awarded by a European University Alliance and recognisable by six European Universities. Create your own European network for marine biotechnology. Custom-build your marine biotechnology career through four specialisation tracks.

    International study campus: Enjoy a range of social and sporting activities. Experiment with at least three different countries' cultures and lifestyles.

    EU-CONEXUS European University in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability


    EU-CONEXUS gathers all the facilities from the partner universities. To name a few there're several laboratories, an innovation hub for researchers, an oceanographic station, a multi-purpose research vessel, marine, and maritime research institutes, energy efficiency in the buildings research center, etc.

    Sport Activities

    Sport is one of the best ways to come together and develop a sense of affiliation. We have organised Sport festivals and tournaments, and each unviersity has several sport clubs as basketball, football, volleyball, scuba-diving, and more.

    Cultural Activities

    In EU-CONEXUS we organise several cultural activities such as Culture Festivals, calls for art and culture projects, city tours, and workshops. And each university has clubs such as theater, musical groups, choir, acapella, photography, and more.

    Student Board

    Student Board is acting as the highest students representative body of the alliance. Student board members provide suggestions for student-related topics. The goal is to improve the connections among the students of EU-CONEXUS partner institutions.

    Summer and Winter Schools

    The summer/winter schools will be organised on all aspects of the smart urban coastal area topics and include the presentation of the cultures, traditions, and languages of the local community and the partner institutions’ countries and Europe in general.

    • La Rochelle

      23 Avenue Albert Einstein BP 33060 17031

    • Athens

      Iera Odos 75 Athina 118 55

      • Valencia

        2 Quevendo Street

        • Klaipėda

          H. Manto Str. 84

          • Zadar

            Milhovia Pavlinovica 1

            • Bucharest

              122-124 Lacul Tei Bld S2 020396

              EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability