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Esperanca Institute of Higher Education (Instituto Esperança de Ensino Superior (IESPES))

Esperanca Institute of Higher Education (Instituto Esperança de Ensino Superior (IESPES))

Esperanca Institute of Higher Education (Instituto Esperança de Ensino Superior (IESPES))


The Foundation was born in 1970 thanks to the initiative of the physician and priest, Frei Lucas, who founded the project of social assistance in prevention and health treatment of people in situations of social vulnerability in the western region of Pará. Since then, the Esperança Foundation has offered headquarters located in the Caranazal neighborhood, in the city of Santarém, Western Pará, with outpatient and dental medical assistance services, with special attention to the health of women and children.

In 2015, the year of its 45 years of creation, the Esperança Foundation consolidated itself with a strong presence in health, caring for traditional quilombola and riverside communities, offering opportunities for professional training in several municipalities in the region.

Another area of ​​special attention for the Foundation is education for local development. Since 1996, when the first professional courses were launched, and subsequently, with the creation of the Esperança Institute of Higher Education (Iespes) and the Centro Educacional Profissional Esperança, undergraduate, graduate, and technical courses are offered, qualifying young people and adults.


  • Caranazal

    Rua Coaracy Nunes,3315, 68040-100, Caranazal


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