Master in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Berlin, Germany
24 Months
Full time
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EUR 34,000
* round 1: March 31| round 2: June 1| final Round: July 31
The rise of business intelligence tools that utilize data analytics and AI has created a strong demand across industries for managers who can understand and leverage them effectively. To answer this demand, we have made the Master in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (MAAI), a program that is purpose-built to train the next generation of data-driven leaders, combining knowledge from master's degrees in data analytics and management, with the latest insights on AI.
The MAAI aims to build up your quantitative and managerial abilities to prepare a new generation of future leaders with in-demand skills:
- Develop and refine your analytic and data-management skills and learn how to integrate them into strategic leadership
- Get hands-on experience working with the latest AI and data management technologies
- Broaden your understanding of implementing AI tools and the challenges of doing so
- Apply your skills to real-life business analytics projects to grasp the broader context of analytics and AI in business.
Leading business transformation through the use of state-of-the-art data and automation.
Program Highlights
- Customize your learning journey to suit your career goals
- Combine experiences from a master's in data analytics and a master's in AI with vital management skills
- Benefit from in-depth immersion into the latest software, automation trends, and AI tools
- Expand your competencies with hands-on skill seminars offered by industry practitioners
- Broaden your perspective with courses in Global Corporate Management, Innovation, and Finance.
Ideal Students
- You are a young professional in your early twenties with limited or no work experience
- You are seeking your first practical experience with coding
- You have an intuitive understanding of how deeply technology permeates all aspects of modern life
- You quickly grasp and adapt to new trends in business analytics
- You are curious to master the complex flows of data, shaping them to create value for business and society.
Scholarships and Funding
ESMT’s master scholarships are here to help you make your international business career a reality.
Our scholarships are allocated based on academic excellence, personal and professional achievements, leadership potential, and interpersonal skills. Scholarships will be awarded to candidates with any background, although candidates from quantitative subject areas like science, technology, engineering, finance, economics, or mathematics are especially encouraged to apply.
To receive a scholarship, first apply to the master's program of your choice. During your completion of the online application, you will find an extra essay opportunity to explain your suitability for a scholarship. To receive the early application discount, no extra essay is required.
Core Courses Include
- Advanced marketing modeling
- Coding in Python (and R)
- Data Scraping & Processing
- Advanced decision analysis
- Introduction to machine learning
- Data management
- Machine learning and Causality
Personalize your learning journey. Choose from more than 35 electives including core courses from the other 2 master programs, more than 15 international exchange options, and master-specific practice projects.
Throughout the program develop key skills and begin to plan the next stage of your career through skills workshops, career advisor sessions, and more.
The Master in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence program begins in September each year and lasts for 24 months. The full two-year program is worth 120 ECTS credits.
The program is designed to give you a business education while equipping you with sought-after skills relating to analytics and AI tools, preparing you for a career as a digital innovation consultant, analytics leader, or technological change agent
The structure in two parts includes:
- Foundation courses covering the most important aspects of Data Analysis, Data Management, Machine Learning, Coding, and their application in business decision-making
- Advanced electives delving deeper into industries and applications e.g. Value Chain Analytics, AI and Society, Global Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
Term One
Core courses, including
- Business Economics
- Judgement and Decisionmaking
- Organizational Analytics: Data, Models, and People
- Operations and Global Supply Chain Management
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Decision Analysis
- Econometrics
Skills Seminar
- Business Presentation
- Coding in Python (mandatory)
- Key Writing Skills
- Public Speaking
- Time Management
Term Two
Core courses, including
- Data Scraping and Processing
- Data Management
- Data Visualization
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Causal Inference in AI Models
- Analytics and Society
- Advanced Marketing and Modeling
- Consumer Preference Modeling
Skills seminar
- Cross Cultural Management
- Effective Virtual Collaboration
- Scrum
- Process Mining
- The Psychology of Conflict Resolution
Term Three
Complete an internship of up to six months with a company that aligns with your career goals, in coordination with ESMT. German students are encouraged to complete their internship abroad.
ESMT currently works with a growing number of companies to offer internships.
This year, students gained internship positions at (examples):
- Boeing working in Market Research & Strategy Support
- Daimler working as a Risk Management Intern
- United Nations as an Intern in the Information and Communication Technology Section
- Deutsche Bahn AG in Strategic Organizational Development
- Helix Cognitive Computing GmbH as a Blockchain Research & Cryptoeconomics Trainee
- Rocket Internet SE working as an International Finance Intern
- Bayer Healthcare working in Digital Health and Innovation
Besides Germany, students are gaining international experience by interning in Japan, Turkey, Switzerland, France, South Korea and Kenya.
Term Four
- Modeling and AI for Sustainability
- Innovating with AI: Large Language Models in Business
- Survey Design
- The Data Scientist: Modern Tools
- Entrepreneurial Sales and Marketing
- International Finance and Risk Management
- Investments I
- Investments II
- Doing Business Sustainably
- Marga Strategy Simulation
- Analytics Leadership
Skills seminar
- Analytics Project Management
- Building Professional Networks
- Consulting
- Designing for Social Inclusion
- Human Rights in Business
- Innovation Project Management
- Storytelling
Term Five
- Analytics and AI for Healthcare Management
- Advanced Optimization Models
- Advanced Investment Strategies
- Alternative Investments
- Ambidextrous Leadership
- Open and Distributed Models of Innovation
- Negotiation
- Risk Modeling
- Social Entrepreneurship - Nonprofit Management
- Valuation
+ MIE and MGM core courses
Skills seminar
- Applied Improvisation and Creativity
- Cyber Security
- Impact Consulting
- LEGO Serious Play
Term Six
Master thesis
While working on your Master's thesis, you can choose to seek the opportunity of a second internship and carry out your research with support from practitioners.
If you intend to pursue an academic career, you may opt to work on a thesis topic in close coordination with a professor’s research agenda.
Career Opportunities
The Master's programs at ESMT educate students in business applications, emphasizing an interdisciplinary link between business and technology. Throughout your program, you gain helpful insights into career development, have the opportunity to work in different organizations and develop a long-term career plan that fits your needs.
Career management is an integral part of the Master's program with regular seminars and workshops built in. From day one you will start working to improve your CV and interview skills. You will take part in company presentations and visits, as well as the annual ESMT Career Fair.
By the end of your program, you will have the necessary tools to plan your job search strategy, navigate your career path, build and activate your networks, and negotiate your desired salary.
Why study at ESMT Berlin
- Study in the heart of Berlin, connect to the city’s vibrant startup scene and Germany’s powerhouse economy
- Prime your profile for a competitive job market with ESMT’s Career Development Center
- With internships, a consulting project, and a portfolio management program, there are plenty of opportunities to benefit from ESMT’s connection to businesses and get hands-on experience.
Program Admission Requirements
Demonstrate your commitment and readiness to succeed in business school by taking the GMAT exam – the most widely used exam for admissions that measures your critical thinking and reasoning skills.
Download the GMAT mini quiz to get a flavour of the questions you’ll find in the exam.