Master's Degree in Marketing Management
Madrid, Spain
12 Months
Full time
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EUR 20,700
The Master's Degree in Marketing Management in Madrid has been designed to respond to the growing need of companies to incorporate young professionals, with updated, useful marketing training adapted to the rapid changes in the business environment. Young people capable of leading teams of people, with the ability to anticipate and react in complex, global and multicultural contexts, in constant change and digital transformation.
This degree allows you to combine the officiality of a university program with the practicality, experience and professionalism of the company, in a business school of international prestige.
You can also access the Doctoral Program.
- Teaching Staff: Specially selected faculty of teachers. Teachers with extensive professional and international experience
- Quality of the program: Program Accredited by ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) with its VERIFICA Program. Taught by the leading school in marketing education in Spain
Differential Factors
- Comprehensive training in marketing and management skills with an eminently practical nature
- Mastery of international strategies for the implementation of content in a global context and the development of a transnational career.
- #1 Spain - Leaders in Marketing Masters according to El Mundo
- #3 Spain - ESIC on the Podium of the Best Business Schools, for recent graduates and young professionals
- #3.4 Europe: ESIC among the best Europeans in carrying out marketing programs
- #49 in the world: Best marketing school as rated by alumni, students and employers
Program Outcome
Educational Foundations of the Curriculum
The Master's Study Plan has been designed taking into account the general principles listed in art. 3.5 of the aforementioned Royal Decree and the definition of the training objectives in the form of academic and professional skills in which the student must train. The priority objective of the degree is to provide adequate scientific training at a postgraduate level in relation to Marketing Management, transmitting knowledge as well as providing management skills. The training action of the master is based on combining scientific rigor with business reality, integrating theory and practice, with a methodology based on dialogue and the exchange of experiences, reflection on “cases” and, as a basis, the development of capacity of analysis and synthesis and an overview of the meaning and responsibilities of one's work.
In this sense, the Curriculum and the methodology of the Master are oriented towards the acquisition, by the students, of knowledge and training that aims to:
- - The study and understanding of the organizations in which marketing activities are practiced and the national and international environments in which the organizations operate.
- - The study and understanding of the different functions of marketing in organizations of different types
- - The reception of theoretical-practical preparation that equips students for marketing management, as well as humanistic training and personal development and ethical values and social responsibility
- - The development of general and managerial skills not limited exclusively to the business field although, certainly, applicable to it
General Objectives of the Study Plan:
- In-depth knowledge of different organizations, understanding their nature, composition, management methods and processes, size, sector of activity and typology (public, private, non-profit, etc.; ) as well as trends and changes in the environments in which they operate.
- Development of knowledge and skills that equip students for positions of responsibility in organizations, as well as the promotion of positive attitudes and initiatives of creativity and business vocation that favor, where appropriate, the creation of new companies or the development of new products. /markets. To this end, the multidisciplinary nature of marketing is taken into account, which brings together, in short, knowledge of various kinds: economics, statistics and quantitative methods, finance, markets and clients, psychology, people management, management of material resources, management of operations, business strategy and policy, etc., as well as information and control systems and adequate management of computer techniques. The development of all this knowledge and skills is not limited exclusively to the marketing profession in companies, but is transferable to organizations of any type.
- The training of students is also aimed at their personal development and the promotion of human, ethical and social responsibility values, promotion that is carried out transversally in the set of subjects and seminars of the Curriculum and, with special relevance, in the seminars on Leadership Applied to Marketing and Leadership and People Management Skills in Marketing, from the Management Skills module
Specific objectives:
- Bring marketing to students from a managerial perspective through the exploration of marketing problems, the formulation of strategies and making real decisions
- Facilitate the development of management and problem-solving skills in the real business world
- Provide the skills and knowledge necessary to lead, organize and direct marketing teams
- Provide the necessary knowledge for the design, development and conduct of market research as support tools for obtaining information
- Correctly develop the corporate communication function
- Formulate and analyze strategies and implement marketing plans in national and international environments
- Successfully carry out promotional and relationship marketing activities
- Understand the ethical and social responsibilities of marketing management in organizations and society
The European Higher Education Area, initiated in 1999 with the Bologna Declaration, promotes a change in teaching methodologies, which focuses the objective on the student's learning process, which extends throughout life and towards employability. For this reason, the study plans, leading to obtaining a degree, must have the acquisition of skills by students at the center of their objectives.
What is meant by Competition? The set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are acquired or developed through coordinated training experiences, which have the purpose of achieving functional knowledge that efficiently responds to a task or problem of daily and professional life that requires a process of teaching and learning.
The skills that students of the Master's Degree in Marketing Management must acquire are:
Basic and general skills
They are common to university degrees, but are adapted to the specific context of each Degree.
- CB6 Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context
- CB7 That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
- CB8 That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
- CB9 That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
- CB10 That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous
- CG01 Capacities and skills necessary to obtain and manage those sources of information useful to continue their own training development in the field of Marketing and Commercial Management
- CG02 Ability to carry out a critical analysis and the evaluation and synthesis of new and complex messages in the fields of Marketing and Commercial Management
- CG03 Ability to generate critical thoughts based on the knowledge acquired. The student will generate judgments that allow reflection on the form, content and ways of managing Marketing and Commercial Management in organizations from managerial responsibilities.
- CG04 Ability to synthesize all the information and knowledge acquired throughout the Master, and its application in the development of strategies and tactics and, where appropriate, in the development of a Marketing Plan, a Communication Plan, a Sales Plan or an International Marketing Plan
- CG05 Master the technique of oratory before a heterogeneous audience, applying dialectics in public exhibitions
Cross-disciplinary competences
They are common to all students of the same university center, regardless of the Degree they take.
- CT01 Promote and encourage interpersonal communication and the ability to speak in public
- CT02 Promote and develop teamwork with responsibility and commitment
- CT03 Promote flexibility and the ability to adapt to change
- CT04 Enhance the ability to communicate and relate to colleagues, with the academic community as a whole and with society in general by promoting their social skills.
Specific competencies
They are specific to the Degree and are aimed at achieving a specific exit profile for the students.
- CE01 Be able to design a marketing strategy for the company based on the strategic analysis of market information in a competitive context
- CE02 Be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the implementation of a strategic marketing plan, based on the development of a strategic, comprehensive and global vision of the business.
- CE03 Be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the development of a comprehensive product-market portfolio strategy
- CE04 Be able to develop an advanced and comprehensive pricing strategy, identifying and selecting the appropriate pricing approach based on the segment, market or product
- CE05 Develop the capabilities and skills necessary for the comprehensive and coordinated management of distribution channels
- CE06 Be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the development and implementation of a comprehensive communication strategy in the company
- CE07 Be able to design an internationalization strategy for the company based on the strategic analysis of information about foreign markets in a multicultural context.
- CE08 Know the scientific method to be able to apply it to scientific research in the area of marketing.
Scholarships and Funding
Students of the Master's Degree in Marketing Management have the possibility of applying for two types of scholarships:
- Scholarships and official aid promoted by the Ministry of Education
- Scholarships and discounts offered by ESIC University to its students. In the case of this degree, they are:
- Diversity Scholarships
- Grants for companies
- Impulsa Plan
- Diversity Scholarships
- Grants for companies
- Impulsa Plan
The granting of an official scholarship or aid does not exclude the granting of a scholarship or discount from ESIC University. On the other hand, you can only benefit from a single ESIC University scholarship or discount.
For more detailed information about each of the scholarships, visit Financing, scholarships and aid.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.