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Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille

Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille

Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille


Les Beaux-Arts de Marseille is a higher education establishment under the Ministry of Culture and supported by the City of Marseille. The School issues diplomas giving degrees of license and Master 2. It trains artists, designers, and creators in the field of plastic and visual arts.

To offer educational forms and content adapted to the evolution of creation. With its 50 partner schools around the world and its professionalization program, the School has acquired new tools: a high-tech digital platform and spaces dedicated to manufacturing, while strengthening its technical bases to offer its students the full range of tools for contemporary creation.

Since March 2020, Marseille public college for artistics studies (INSEAMM)brings together Les Beaux-Arts de Marseille and the Conservatoire Pierre Barbizet.


  • Marseille

    Avenue de Luminy,184, 13288, Marseille
