MSc Economics and Business - Specialisation in Health Economics
Rotterdam, Netherlands
1 Years
Full time
01 May 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 2,601 / per year **
* EEA students: 1 May, non-EEA students: 1 April
** Statutory fee: Dutch / EEA students; Institutional fee: Dutch / EEA students: € 14.400; non-EEA students: € 19.950
Health care is a major sector of a modern economy, accounting for 10-18% of GDP in high-income countries. Advances in medical technology generate substantial improvements in population health but also create major economic and social challenges. Healthcare costs are rising rapidly. Population ageing both increases the need for health care and reduces the fraction of people working to pay for it. Health inequalities remain stubbornly high and further reduce productivity. Low-income countries have the greatest need for health care but are least able to pay for it. If you are motivated to contribute solutions to these challenges, then the Health Economics programme at Erasmus University Rotterdam will equip you with the analytical and quantitative skills and techniques you need.
The peculiarities of the health sector make it fascinating for economic analysis. Asymmetric information between doctors and patients as well as insurees and insurers impedes the efficient operation of markets. Many doctors and hospitals do not seek to maximise profits. The high value of health is not revealed in a market price. Externalities abound in disease transmission. Besides these market failures, equity is a strong motivation for government intervention in the health sector. There is a lot to learn and no shortage of significant social issues to keep you motivated.
Why study Health Economics in Rotterdam?
Rotterdam is a vibrant, multicultural city that is at the forefront of exciting developments in industry, logistics, science, culture and architecture. Here you find one of the leading centres for health economic research and teaching in Europe. Our programme, which is a collaboration between the Erasmus School of Economics and the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, was one of the very first health economics master programmes in the world. It has a strong reputation and a high record of success in launching students to stimulating and rewarding careers in the health sector.
Here you will have access to:
- A degree that is internationally valued in both the public and the private sector.
- Inspiring professors who are leaders in their field.
- An international classroom and a cosmopolitan atmosphere.
- A network in the health care and academia that is not easily rivalled.
Obtain your MSc in Economics and Business with a specialized focus on Health Economics, completing a thorough curriculum of 60 ECTS credits.
The program consists of 6 blocks. In the first 3 you follow 6 compulsory courses covering health economics, applied econometrics, and health technology assessment (HTA). In blocks 4 and 5 you choose 2 out of 7 electives that allow you to tailor the program to your specific interests. You can choose from courses in decision theory, advanced HTA, healthcare competition, pharmaceutical markets, and global health.
From block 4 to block 6 you research and write a thesis on a topic of your choice under supervision. The thesis course is highly structured to guide students and ensure a high rate of success. In addition to the thesis, several courses require research assignments, presentations, and group discussions.
Course Overview
- Applied Microeconometrics
- Economics and Financing of Health Care Systems
- Economics of Health and Health Care
- Health Technology Assessment
- Public Health Economics
- Seminar Health Economics
- Electives
- Master's Thesis Health Economics
Ideal Students
Is this the right choice for you?
This programme is right for you if:
- You are excited by rapid developments in medical technology,
- You are concerned about the substantial economic and social issues related to population health, ageing, and healthcare costs,
- You are attracted by a career prospect in a sector that is both growing in economic significance and is socially valued,
- You are stimulated by the intellectual rigour required to analyse a complex sector of the economy.
This programme prepares you to make a difference in a sector that makes a huge difference to the health and welfare of many. To complete this programme successfully you need to be prepared for rigorous conceptual and quantitative analyses. But most of all, you need to have ambition and perseverance.
Career Opportunities
The master’s specialization in Health Economics at Erasmus School of Economics has an outstanding reputation in the health business community. It has everything to prepare you for a bright future as a health economist. Most of our alumni find a job within two months after graduation. They are working as managers, consultants, policy advisors, and analysts at:
- Consulting firms (KPMG, Deloitte, IMS Health, SiRM, etc.)
- The pharmaceutical industry (Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline, etc.)
- Health insurance companies (a.s.r., DSW Zorgverzekeraar, Zorg en Zekerheid, Delta Lloyd, etc.)
- Academia (Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, etc,)
- International organizations (WHO, World Bank, etc.)
- Regional health authorities and government institutions (RIVM, Ministry of Health, NHS England, Zorginstituur Nederland, Nederlandse Zorgauthoriteit, etc.)
- Hospitals (Erasmus MC, etc.)
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.