MSc Econometrics and Management Science – Specialisation Econometrics
Rotterdam, Netherlands
1 Years
Full time
01 May 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 2,601 / per year **
* EEA students: 1 May, non-EEA students: 1 April
** Statutory fee: Dutch / EEA students; Institutional fee: Dutch / EEA students: € 14.400; non-EEA students: € 19.950
Would you like to acquire the skills to be able to use advanced econometrics to model real-life issues? Whether you wish to examine to what extent government policies affect individual decision-making, how to model and predict economic recessions, or estimate the probability of a total failure of the Dutch power network, this program will help you to do so. It will not only provide you with in-depth knowledge of econometric theory, but will also perfect your skills to use advanced quantitative methods and techniques, perform empirical econometric analysis, and develop and apply new models.
Why study Econometrics in Rotterdam?
If you want to extend your econometric knowledge beyond linear regression, instrument variable regression, limited dependent variables models, and time series analysis, then Erasmus School of Economics is where you want to be. Together with the Econometric Institute, we offer a high-quality advanced curriculum that combines advanced theory with extensive case-based training.
Study the Econometrics program at Erasmus School of Economics for:
- Advanced knowledge of econometric theory and quantitative methods
- The skills to apply advanced techniques to complex real-life problems
- Solid training in computer program-based execution and implementation
- A practice-based program brought by the Econometric Institute
- High-quality academic training in an international classroom.
Complete your MSc in Econometrics and Management Science with a specialized focus on Econometrics, engaging in a comprehensive curriculum that spans 60 ECTS credits.
The master’s specialization consists of seven core courses; the seminar course Case Studies in Applied Econometrics, and a master’s thesis distributed over five blocks of eight weeks each.
The core courses (among which Microeconometrics and Time Series Econometrics for Macroeconomics) help students to get acquainted with a wide range of topics that are essential for econometrics. Most of the courses consist of assignments, which can be individual or in small groups, and a final exam. During the seminar course Case Studies in Applied Econometrics small groups of students undertake an applied research project under the supervision of a staff member.
You have the opportunity to choose two electives from nine courses, divided into two groups of electives. From each group of electives, you can pick one course. The electives vary from Machine Learning to Advanced Macroeconomics.
The last two blocks of the program are devoted to the master’s thesis, which can be theoretically oriented or practically oriented. Practically oriented theses are usually combined with an internship or traineeship. The thesis is written individually under close supervision by one of the staff members of the Economy.
The curriculum consists of:
- 70% courses
- 30% case studies in applied econometrics
Course Overview
- Take-Off Master
- Microeconometrics
- Bayesian Econometrics
- Electives 1 and 2
- Multivariate Statistics
- Time Series Econometrics for Macroeconomics
- Topics in Advanced Statistics
- Seminar Case Studies in Applied Econometrics
- Master's Thesis Proposal E&MS
- Master's Thesis Econometrics and Management Science
Ideal Students
Is this the right choice for you?
Statistical offices, international governmental organizations, and many firms successfully apply econometric models and methods on a daily basis. Econometrics is paramount for decision-making in business and economics today. Do you already have a strong background in mathematics, statistics, and econometrics and would you like to take it further? With the Econometrics program, you can.
The following traits will stand you in good stead to be successful in the Econometrics program:
- You have a strong background in mathematics, statistics, and econometrics
- Working on relevant (economic) problems, both individually and in a team, appeals to you.
- You have experience with programming.
- Working in English poses no serious problems for you.
Career Opportunities
The quantitative skills you acquire in this program are your ticket to a great starting position on the job market. Records show that later in their careers, many of our graduates acquire top positions at leading industrial firms and banks or become highly positioned civil servants. With the right attitude and rigor, you can enjoy an exciting career. Possible employers include:
- Multinationals (including Shell, Unilever)
- Public Offices (including ministries in the Netherlands and the U.S. Federal Reserve Board)
- International Economic Organisations (including OECD and IMF)
- Academia (various international universities).
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.