Advanced Master in Safety Management System in Aviation - MS SMS-A
Toulouse, France
1 Years
Full time
18 Jun 2025*
Oct 2025
EUR 14,470
* 6th session application deadline
ENAC Advanced Master SMS in Aviation is designed to train SMS managers who will lead the structural and administrative changes within their organization, moving it from reactive thinking to predictive thinking.
In an effort to reach the next level of aviation safety, international civil aviation authorities (ICAO, EASA, FAA), as well as IATA, require organizations and institutions alike to implement a Safety Management System (SMS) for the management of safety risks. The corresponding fields include aircraft design and production, air operations, aeronautical maintenance, air traffic services, and airport and training organizations.
SMS represents the next step in the evolution of safety processes in the aviation industry worldwide, at the organizational level. SMS complements the requirements and regulations in human or technical safety already implemented during the past decades. SMS is the formal systemic and proactive approach to anticipating and managing safety risk, as well as to initiating and achieving the necessary transformation of organizational structures, accountabilities, policies, procedures, standard practices, and regulations.
SMS is a structured process that requires organizations to apprehend possible safety issues with the same level of priority that other core business topics are managed and to continuously analyze them, in conjunction with state institutions within their State Safety Program (SSP), as well as with their industry counterparts.
The objective is to provide future SMS managers with the fundamentals of how to systematically monitor and improve aviation safety using the Safety Management System described in ANNEX 19 of the ICAO Convention. This program enables applicants to acquire practical expertise in the development, implementation, assessment, and improvement of SMS and SSP. Courses cover all of the aspects of SMS concepts, processes, methods, and operational management, either cross-domain or specific to the organization. The program is specifically engineered to address both executives as well as working levels, to consider the entire gamut of aviation organizations (aircraft operator, manufacturer, maintenance organization, airport operator, air navigation service provider, training organization), and to cover the interactions between all of these organizations.
At the soft skills level, the program emphasizes the necessity of enhancing or improving the organization's safety culture - the just culture, through a transformation of leadership, management, and employee attitudes. It will give to trainees the capacity to develop, implement and grow all of the above-mentioned aspects of an SMS in any aviation organization they work in. Furthermore, they will be able to make critical assessments of professional safety management practices and systematically deal with complex problems.
Professional Prospect
The ENAC Advanced Master Safety Management System in Aviation is designed for current or future SMS managers in charge of the development, deployment, or improvement of SMS in organizations that must comply with ICAO safety requirements.
Executive education on demand
Training modules are available on demand, individually, and within the limits of available places. Contact us for session dates and pricing at [email protected] or consult our online catalog: https://training.enac.fr
Career Opportunities
Civil Aviation Authorities:
- Safety Director or Manager
- Safety performance Manager
- SSP (State Safety Program) Manager
- Responsible for certification and approval
Industry and operators (Aircraft operator, Aircraft Manufacturer, MRO Organisation, Airport operator, Air Navigation Service Provider, Training Organisation):
- Safety Director or Manager
- SMS (Safety Management System) Manager
- Safety investigations Manager
- Safety analysis Manager
The ENAC Advanced Master in "Safety Management in Aviation" is designed for current or future Safety Managers in charge of the development, deployment, or improvement of Safety in organizations of the Air Transport System.
1st semester
(October to February)
First part: Context, Safety Culture and cross-domain methods
- CTX-Safety in Air Transport System Context
- RISK-Safety Risks Management
- AUD-Safety Audits & investigation
- LEAD-Manage, Lead & Promote
Second part: Safety Management by domain
- MRO-Safety Management: Maintenance organisation
- MANU-Safety Management: Manufacturer
- AD-Safety Management: Aerodrome operator
- ANSP-Safety Management: Air Navigation Services Provider
- ATO-Safety Management: Training organisation
- AO-Safety Management: Aircraft Operator
Third part: Safety at State Level
- SSL-Safety at State Level
2nd semester
(April to September)
Professional thesis
Students carry out a professional thesis in aerospace companies or civil aviation organizations, supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and by an ENAC professor. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral presentation in front of a combined jury.
Scholarships and Funding
Link to Campus Bourses to find all the information on possible grants : https://campusbourses.campusfrance.org/#/catalog
GIFAS Scholarships for information
ENAC Foundation has set up an international scholarship program funded by GIFAS (the French Aerospace Industries Association), to support non european students admitted in advanced masters, Masters of Science and the Graduate Engineer’s degree of ENAC.
The purpose of this initiative is to provide an incentive to high level students wishing to enrol in ENAC’s post-graduate programs. GIFAS and ENAC jointly select recipients among candidates to one of ENAC’s post-graduate programs:
- 5 advanced masters: MS ASAA, MS ATM, MS AM, MS SMA, MS UASSM
- 1 graduate engineering degree master of science
Scholarship partially covers tuition fees, up to 4 000 €.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.