ENAC was founded in 1949 in Paris-Orly, and moved to Toulouse in 1968. The «Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile» (ENAC)is a unique example: it is the only aviation-oriented university in France and in Europe offering a wide and complete panel of aeronautics-oriented training programs and activities, serving the aeronautical world, particularly the air transport sector.
Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile, ENAC
ENAC was founded in 1949 in Paris-Orly and moved to Toulouse in 1968.
It merged with the SEFA (Service d’Exploitation de la Formation Aéronautique) on January 1, 2011. The «Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile» (ENAC) is a unique example: it is the only aviation-oriented university in France and in Europe offering a wide and complete panel of aeronautics-oriented training programs and activities, serving the aeronautical world, particularly the air transport sector.
The ENAC university is made up of:
- 2,000 students in 25 various training courses: engineer, master, Ph.D., air transport pilot, air traffic controller, etc.,
- 7,500 trainees each year in 400 continuing education programs or advanced training courses,
- 10 research labs,
- International activities: ENAC welcomes hundreds of international students and trainees from the 5 continents each year,
- An education team has an exceptional amount of professional skills and know-how,
- High-level training material associated with its multidisciplinary activities: ATC simulators, flight simulators, 130 aircraft, laboratories for electronics, telecommunications, GNSS, UAVs, data processing, aerodynamics, languages, etc.
Through all these activities, the ENAC university is committed to meeting the requirements of the aeronautical field, in which both private and public actors are involved, either in France or abroad.
In more than 60 years, with 20,000 alumni, ENAC has acquired recognition, in France and abroad, of all the partners belonging to the wide range of its activities.
Today, thanks to the acknowledged skills of its teachers, searchers, students, trainees, and its whole staff, the ENAC university is looking to strengthen its influence throughout the world, being always committed in its field of excellence: aeronautics.