EDC Paris Business School
EDC Paris Business School is ranked in the top 10 business schools in France and 1st for entrepreneurship with a business creation rate 3 times higher than that of other graduate schools, while 80% of its young graduates go on to work in business development, intrapreneurship or innovation.
Choose the entrepreneurial spirit, choose EDC Paris Business School.
EDC Paris Business School has been the benchmark in entrepreneurial leadership for 70 years.
EDC Paris Business School offers a Grande Ecole Programme (Master’s-level degree accredited by the State) and specialised courses (RNCP accredited -National Directory of Professional Qualifications); a Bachelor in Management and 6 Master of Science (MSc In) degrees with the objective of strengthening initial expertise in the fields of marketing, finance, management, digital technology and business, an undergraduate degree in Management and two MBAs in continuing education and international full-time formats.
EDC Paris Business School offers a Grande Ecole Programme (Master’s-level degree accredited by the State) and specialised courses (RNCP accredited -National Directory of Professional Qualifications); a Bachelor in Management and 6 Master of Science (MSc In) degrees with the objective of strengthening initial expertise in the fields of marketing, finance, management, digital technology and business, an undergraduate degree in Management and two MBAs in continuing education and international full-time formats.
Thanks to our network of partner companies and to the commitment of our 18,500 alumni, we can offer more than 3,000 placements and jobs every year.
Our establishment is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) and is EPAS-accredited by the EFMD. It has 1,450 students of 40 different nationalities on its 5,000-square metre campus in the La Défense business district.
EDC Paris Business School is ranked in the top 10 business schools in France and 1st for entrepreneurship with a business creation rate 3 times higher than that of other graduate schools, while 80% of its young graduates go on to work in business development, intrapreneurship or innovation.
- Paris
EDC 70, Galerie des damiers Paris la défense 1 , 92415, Paris