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Designskolen Kolding Master in Fashion Design
Designskolen Kolding

Master in Fashion Design

Kolding, Denmark

2 Years

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Full time

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Sep 2024

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Master in Fashion Design

Experiment is always the departure point for projects at Fashion Design and an exploration of “the beautiful,” an important part of any project. Projects are designed to question, explore and challenge, in a working environment that is far from the media’s “fashion circus.”

Study trips abroad work to inspire the initial phase of one of the year’s projects. For fashion students there are of course several obvious places to go where one could be served up with next year’s trends: Paris, New York, London or Milan. But as we want to educate designers who can project new trajectories to explore rather than walk in the footsteps of others, we try to find alternatives, like Zagreb or Istanbul.

Our students are involved in setting the order of the day, as regards the development of the professional thrust of Fashion Design. In general we work with three questions of interest that are all interrelated:

  • What shapes our lives as people today?
  • What of issues of consumer patterns and sustainability?
  • What of visual noise - people in cities?
Read more on the institution's website

About the School
