E-commerce Course Online with Real Internship
Milan, Italy
6 up to 18 Months
Italian, English
Full time, Part time
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Blended, Distance Learning
Real Practice - Work Experience (optional)
We offer E-commerce Course students who request it, the opportunity to be able to practice in the field through a real WORK EXPERIENCE, which we will validate and can then be included in their resume as experience. Placed in a work team coordinated by 3 professional digital teachers, students have the opportunity to deepen the notions and skills learned during the lessons with a practical-operational slant with a real practicum experience. In a job market that demands more and more specialization, it becomes crucial to be able to demonstrate initial curricular activity in a field consistent with E-commerce Master's studies.
Precisely with this in mind, we have devised a formula that allows the student to choose the area in which to specialize and to be included in the relevant work team. In collaboration with colleagues and under the supervision of professional consultants in e-commerce, web marketing, digital marketing and social media marketing, the student has the opportunity to work in a team on real activities and follow all phases of their implementation, to achieve objectives that will be measured in KPIs.
This is a curriculable job to be included under one's professional experience.
At the conclusion of the Work Experience, in fact, the student will be able to include the internship experience in their resume and Linkedin profile, explicitly stating that they have had internship work experience in-and-commerce with Digital Coach. The Work Experience can be done either with the Digital Coach® School or in one of our partner companies.
Content and Program in E-Commerce Course
The E-commerce course is, among our e-commerce courses, the one designed to concretely support those who want to start or manage an E-commerce project or those who want to work on it as professionals. A team of 15 specialists chosen and coordinated by us will teach in the 15 training modules in which the course is divided, everything you need to be able to work professionally at the highest level in the e-commerce world. Below are the 3 main areas into which the E-COMMERCE Course is divided:
1. Technologies For E-Commerce.
It starts with understanding the different technology options available and choosing the software to be used as the technology platform. Particular attention will be paid to the evaluation of the different Open Source solutions such as Magento, Prestashop and others , with insights on how to install them and how to use all their main features, those of Magento ( the most popular platform in the world currently ) in particular . In this phase we will also talk about layout , usability and optimization of the User Experience . At this stage participants will already be able to put online their own e commerce site using Magento, the software we consider the best solution to open an online store quickly and inexpensively, but without giving up the opportunity to use at need the very wide range of features of Magento itself.
2. The Strategies And Management Of An E-Commerce.
In this part we delve into the key factors to consider in order to build a successful E-commerce , considering both online marketing aspects and business levers such as Delivery policies ( merchandise delivery ) , Drop Shipment options, the issue of payment methods, Customer care, the importance of Customer retention. The advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce will be discussed and the lecturer will give the main tips for selling online. Then the topic of traffic acquisition channels and their impact on conversion to sales will be introduced. We will also understand the supporting role that social media can play. The final part will cover the topic of performance monitoring through Web Analytics tools and the prospects of mobile commerce.
3. Traffic Generation And Conversion For e-Commerce.
Having made the right choices of technology ( software ), knowing how to use the functionalities and having planned an optimal strategy are only the starting point of a challenge that over time will be played above all on the ability to acquire qualified traffic for one's E-commerce portal and turn it into sales, possibly recurring and even better if generated by positive referrals from other customers . For this reason, there are numerous training modules dedicated to the main channels of online sales: SEO (1 basic module + 1 advanced module) the SEM and display advertising (1 basic module + 1 advanced module) , EMAIL MARKETING , inbound marketing and LEAD GENERATION, THE DIGITAL STRATEGY and the integration of media. The increasing incidence of mobile as both a traffic generation and sales tool (mobile commerce) determines the choice to include a specific module on MOBILE MARKETING , just as the growing social media presence of the E-commerce world also required an introduction module to social media i.e. FACEBOOK MARKETING. Much attention is then paid to tracking tools (the analytics) that are essential for understanding the return on online investments, consumer preferences, seasonality of sales, location of buyers, and the performance of different channels of traffic acquisition. For this reason, even on WEB ANALYTICS we provide both a BASE and an ADVANCED module.
E-Commerce Course's Training Modules
Magento E-Commerce Software course: amazing open source solutions for your online store!
We will look at the pros and cons of the different paths you can take when choosing your E-commerce platform, evaluating the risks and opportunities of each from using proprietary solutions to choosing open source CMS (content management system) software. We will indicate why we lean toward the choice of open source solutions and in particular the Magento CMS. We will create online stores using Magento itself and teach how to use its main functionalities : from product catalog creation to product card enrichment, from marketing & sales functionalities to order and warehouse management.
E-Commerce Strategies & Management course: How to sell online!
We will define the critical success factors of an online sales project by analyzing for each of them the Best Practices that produce the best results. We will talk about online strategy, online sales channels and technology choices. In the Magento Course, there will be no shortage of offline topics such as range choices, those of warehouse management (Drop Shipment), customer service and organizational structure.
E-Commerce Regulations:
We will present all the key issues to consider when you want to open an e-commerce site: right of withdrawal, privacy, use of Cookies, online contracts, EU and non-EU VAT, VIES (Vat Information Exchange System) database registration. We will also discover the differences to be considered for Business to Business versus Business to Consumer sales and see the new legislation that regulates the sector at the European level.
Digital Strategy course: online & offline integration for your online revenue goals!
Overview of all major online marketing channels, peculiarities and differences between them. From SEO to email marketing, through social media and on to mobile, we will look at what criteria should guide us in choosing the optimal mix for different types of companies and businesses. In this and the Master in Web Marketing and Social Media, we will then discover channel integration strategies aimed at maximizing the contribution of each of them in the cycle that starts from traffic generation and must lead to conversion into sales, also considering offline aspects.
Basic SEO Course: Search Engine Optimization to maximize visits!
Activities aimed at optimizing the presence on search engines in order to generate traffic of users interested in one's products and services.Historical discipline that, however, in the last 2 years has undergone radical changes configuring itself as the most holistic of web marketing disciplines.
Basic Sem Course & Display Advertising: convert web traffic into customers!
Module in which we teach how to use different PPC (Pay Per Click) type tools thanks to which to implement targeted strategies in terms of location, days, hours as well as interests, age and gender of the users. These include Google Adwords and its features of both Keyword advertising and Display Advertising (banners).
Course E-Mail Marketing: online sales also travel via email.
DEM (Direct Email marketing) is a historically dated tool but still extremely effective in stimulating actions that often bring online sales. We will see all the tricks both technological and communicative and copywriting to be able to sharply improve the performance of this tool.
Basic Web Analytics Course: study the online market, analyze the behavior of your potential customers.
We will teach how to use software, primarily Google Analytics useful for capturing business intelligence information about your audience's needs, behaviors, tastes and preferences. To then implement consequent web marketing actions whose results will again be measured and interpreted. Other tools will include A/B testing tools, heat maps, webmaster tools and more.
Mobile Marketing Course: before buying everyone checks reviews, prices, experiences of other buyers!
We will discover how through Smartphones and Tablets it is now possible to reach your audience and create integrated strategies with other media. We will understand how to design Mobile Apps, mobile advertising campaigns, SMS marketing, mobile Couponing.
Inbound Marketing & Lead Generation Course: Build your online sales funnel.
Through this emerging discipline we will define the sequence of optimal actions (Funnels) for visitors to your website to take in order to maximize the likelihood that they will convert into customers. We will understand how to give each medium (SEO, SEM, Email, social, ETC.) the right role at the right stage of the conversion process.
Wordpress Website Creation Course: Learn WordPress to build your E-commerce site.
The website is the starting and ending point of any web marketing effort and as such is a dynamic tool that you must be able to improve and modify on a daily basis. In this module we will teach how to do this, resorting to WordPress, the CMS that allows you to create and manage websites without the need for programming and design skills.
Affiliate Marketing Course: Expand your sales network, engage intermediars
New business traditionally conducted through agents and sales networks in the traditional offline world is increasingly finding a counterpart online in affiliate marketing. We will learn about its principles, intermediaries and software to create, manage and remunerate your sales force online.
Location Based Marketing Course: Be found in the right place at the right time
The development of technologies and the mobile world now allow us to be able to carry out marketing actions based on the geographic location of our potential customers allowing us to reach them in the right place and time useful for optimizing our own advertising spending. We will discover in this module the ways and software to be able to do this.
Facebook Advertising
We will set up advertising campaigns with all the tools Facebook provides to reach millions of potential customers but in a targeted way based on gender, age, domicile and interests. From Facebook adv to content sponsorship, from Offers to Facebook remarketing and then analyzing the results with Facebook Insights.
E-Commerce Course Advanced Modules
Corso SEO Advanced: the latest changes in SEO and how to deal with them!
Presenteremo gli ultimi aggiornamenti negli algoritmi dei motori di ricerca ( Google Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird ed altri ) che determinano significativi cambiamenti per l’attività dei SEO specialist. In particolare la sempre maggiore necessità integrazione tra questa disciplina e le tematiche del content marketing, del social media, della semantica al fine di produrre risultati. Proporremo anche alcuni Tool avanzati.
Corso SEM Advanced: programmatic & real time bidding!
Comprenderemo come le emergenti tecnologie di Programmatic Buying e Real Time Bidding stiano dando una nuova direzione al settore del SEM e capiremo quali sono le logiche su cui si basano tali tecnologie. Approfondiremo però anche le opportunità delle tecnologie di Retargeting/Remarketing e proveremo degli strumenti messi a disposizione dai principali player del settore.
Corso Web Analytics Advanced: Integrated datas to improve manager’s decision making!
La sempre maggiore disponibilità di informazioni di cui si può disporre nel mondo del digital marketing richiede la capacità di saper utilizzare strumenti in grado di integrarli efficacemente come Universal Analytics di Google . In questo modulo impareremo ad integrare dati mobile e desktop con dati provenienti dai social media e social analytics. Scopriremo ed utilizzeremo però anche strumenti di A/B testing ed eye tracking utili a migliorare la comprensione di preferenze, abitudini, interessi dei nostri potenziali clienti.
User Experience
Imparerai a progettare il design immateriale, a creare una strategia efficace per migliorare l’esperienza utente in un sito web a 360 gradi. Capirai la differenza tra UX e UI perché per essere davvero utili agli utenti che visitano un sito non è sufficiente la grafica: l’interfaccia non è la soluzione. Ti spiegheremo cos’è la user experience, quali gli elementi importanti per la riuscita di un progetto di successo: usabilità sito web, content strategy, visual design, architettura dell’informazione, ricerca utente, interazione grafica e tanti altri, oltre ai tools indispensabili per la massima efficacia dell’esperienza utente.
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
- E-Commerce Manager
- E-Commerce Specialist (SEO, SEM, Analytics, E-Mail Marketing)
- E-Commerce Entrepreneur
- E-Commerce Project Manager