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CY Cergy Paris University - CY Tech International Master in Big Data/ Business Analytics
CY Cergy Paris University - CY Tech

International Master in Big Data/ Business Analytics

Cergy, France

1 Years


Full time

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EUR 7,000 / per year



Course Program

The Master’s Program in Business Intelligence Systems / Big Data, accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, is founded on CY Tech Engineering School’s expertise in the following fields: Business Intelligence, Decision Support, Business Intelligence, and Business Analytics / Big Data.

The program is taught in English and primarily dedicated to non-French-speaking students. Successful students will graduate with a state-recognized Master's Degree.

Objectives of the Master’s Program

Business Intelligence and Business Analytics have now become key elements of all companies.

The objective of this Master’s program is to train future specialists in Information Systems and Decision Support. The program includes solid content in mathematics- and uses a wide range of computer-based tools, which allows students to deal with real problems, analyze their complexity and bring efficient algorithmic and architectural solutions. Big Data is the ultimate game-changer.

The targeted applications concern optimizing the processing of large amounts of data (known as Big Data), logistics, industrial automation, but above all it’s the development of BI Systems architecture. These applications play a major role in most business domains such as logistics, production, finance, marketing, client relationship management systems.

The need for trained engineering specialists in these domains is constantly growing and this Master’s program answers this emerging need.


Specifics of the Master’s Program

This Master’s Program has grown from the specializations in Decision Support, Business Intelligence, and Business Analytics.

CY TECH has been ranked amongst the top institutions in France by independent organizations.

Distinctive points of this course:

  • Triple skill-set with architecture (BI), data mining, and business resource optimization.
  • This Master’s program will be run by a multidisciplinary group: statistics, data mining, operational research, architecture;
  • Implementation of interdisciplinary projects;
  • Methods and techniques taught in this program come from cutting-edge domains in industry and research, such as opinion mining, social networks, and big data, optimization, resource allocation, and BI Systems architecture;
  • This Master’s program is closely backed up by research: several students are completing their final study project on themes from the L@RIS laboratory, followed and supported by members of the laboratory (PhD students and research professors);
  • Being familiar with the tools used in the industry dedicated to data mining, operational research, and Business Intelligence gives the students an advantage in their employability after graduation;
  • Industrial partnerships with companies strongly involved in Big Data are an integral part of this program:
    • SAS via the academic program and a ‘chaired’entreprise’ (business chair), allowing our students access to Business Intelligence modules such as Enterprise Miner (data mining) and SAS-OR (in operational research).
    • SAP via our University Alliance Program, enabling our students’ access to the latest versions of BI modules from SAP, such as SAP-BW and SAP-Business Objects.

Course Structure

The Master's program includes two semesters:

  • A series of modules at Master II level validating 60 ECTS. The academic year starts in September;
  • An internship including the presentation of a Master Thesis.

Teaching Methods

All lectures will be taught in English with the exception of the FLE (French as a Foreign Language) course, which aims to teach students to understand and express themselves in French as well as to get to know the French culture.

Students will also be familiarized with the 3 pillars of the Big Data Master's program:

  • Modeling, operational research, and decision support;
  • Data analytics and data mining;
  • Business Intelligence.


Internships will be supervised by a university professor. A minimum of 3 meetings will take place between the trainee, the school representative, and the person in charge of the company/research laboratory. Each meeting will result in a professional presentation of the trainee, which will lead to an assessment.

In addition to these meetings, the student will be required to write an internship report which will contain the following:

  • a presentation of the company/laboratory;
  • a presentation of the activities and goals;
  • an analysis and synthesis of the work undertaken;
  • a personal analysis of the internship: what worked and what did not work.

This internship will last a minimum of 22 weeks.

Career Objectives

The growing and larger demand in these domains offer graduates from this Master’s course numerous and diverse job opportunities –in areas linked to decision support- such as Data Scientists, Consulting Engineers, Research and Development Experts, Tool Design Engineers, BI/Business Analytics Solutions Providers, or simply Users of Business Intelligence tools. Graduates who wish to specialize in the area of research can start a career in both public and private research centers, find a position as researchers in Higher Education or prepare for additional education at the doctoral level.

Course Semester Outline

This Master’s program is based on the three pillars, mentioned above, except at a higher level of expertise. To train experts in our field, we provide students with professional skills in modeling, design and implementation of IT architecture, data mining, and optimization.



Jeswin Thomas / unsplash

Admission Requirements

  • Interested candidates in the Master’s degree in Big Data (Data Analytics, Data Science, and Data Architecture) with 4 years of Higher Education duly completed (240 ECTS validated or equivalent) must have:
  • Strong skills in Mathematics and Computer Science;
  • English proficiency level CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages): B2, preferably proven via an official external exam test score:
    • TOEIC: 800 IBT TOEFL: 80 IELTS: 6.0
    • French Proficiency: no prerequisite
    • French as a Foreign Language: Instruction included in CY Tech program.
  • Some applicants might be exempt from providing us with proof of English language level if their mother tongue is English or if they have studied a fully-taught English program.

Application Procedures

Submit the application and required documents to us, as early as possible, and at the latest on July 29th.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted 1 week after sending applications and will be accepted after a face-to-face, telephone, or Skype interview with a member of CY Tech Admissions Board. Successful interviewees will receive an unconditional offer letter. You can also visit our website for requirements, deadlines, and a checklist of materials.

Program Cost

The tuition fees for one academic year of the Master’s program are 7000 €.

50% of the tuition fees will have to be settled for successful candidates in addition to administrative fees.

Documents Required with the Application Form

The documents to be sent are as follows:

  • Official copies of university transcripts and degrees;
  • Copy of identity card/passport;
  • A one-page CV;
  • Your letter of interest (max. 2 pages).
    Your letter will help us to know about you, your interests, your values, and goals. You will explain what encourages you to study a Master's program in Business Analytics at CY Tech.
  • One letter of recommendation.

If you have not yet graduated from your current degree you will need to ask your Home University for a transcript of records corresponding to the level of studies you have obtained. If admitted, you will have to provide us with the original documentation.

Location: Greater Paris

The Paris Region has much to offer to international students, such as history, art, culture on top of its academic & scientific excellence. It is a unique place to learn, discover, study, engage and exchange, a place where dialogue, fraternity, freedom, and creativity will always prevail. Paris has been listed in the QS best student cities ranking for many years. At only 25 minutes from the world-famous Les Champs Elysées, or La Défense (one of the major futuristic skyscrapers packed, business districts in Europe) stands the city of Cergy-Pontoise. The historic heart of the area of Cergy-Pontoise thrives on a prestigious past which has often found itself at the crossroads of the history of France itself, as when the Royal Court resided there. Its fame was extended through the long residency of Camille PISSARRO, who painted the varied landscapes of the town and its nearby countryside in numerous works, which are now to be found in the greatest museums in the world. Blessed with a rich heritage, Cergy-Pontoise became on March 30th, 2006, a member of the national network of towns and lands of Art and History. This label, delivered by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, embodies a policy aiming to promote heritage and architecture. Today, Cergy is known as a vibrant student hub.


Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
