Master in Mechanical Engineering
3 Semesters
Full time
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EUR 1,200 / per semester *
* plus additional non-refundable 85 PLN (approx. 21 EUR) recruitment fee
Graduates of the Modelling and Simulation in the Mechanics field of study will acquire thorough preparation in the area of mechanics, machine construction, and the design, manufacture, and operation of machines and production systems. Specializations in automotive engineering, as well as thermal and automotive engineering, will provide graduates with the basics in the construction of power tools and devices as well as motor vehicles; metrology in thermal engineering; diagnostics, durability, reliability, and design of power engineering systems and thermal power stations, including the issues of energy efficiency and machine dynamics. Construction and technology-related specializations will cover the subjects of modern technological methods and preparation for constructing and designing machines, devices, and equipment with the use of computer techniques.
Graduates will be prepared to work in research institutions, design and construction, and technology institutes, as well as to manage and develop the production in machine industries and related enterprises. Graduates of first-cycle studies (Bachelor of Science) who subsequently continue to the second-cycle (Master of Science) degree programme will possess the necessary foundations to pursue four-year postgraduate studies. After completing their doctoral thesis, they will be conferred the title of Doctor of Technology in the field of mechanics or machine construction and operation.
Scholarships and Funding
Czestochowa University of Technology does not provide any scholarships for international students, however, students applying for government or private scholarships will be fully supported in their quests.
Semester 1
- Foreign language
- Statistics for engineering applications
- Contemporary construction materials
- Mechanics of continuous media
- Analytical mechanics
- Training on safe and hygienic learning conditions
- Integrated CAE systems
- Fundamentals of construction optimization
- Mechanics of materials and basics of thermomechanics
- Strength analysis of construction elements
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity
Semester 2
- Labour market
- Introduction to scientific research project
- Computer methods in technological processes
- Selected issues in modeling machine dynamics
- Vibrations and stability of elastic systems
- Computer analysis of the strength of machine components and structures
- Modeling and simulation of machine and mechanism motion
- Kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms
- Systems supporting machine design
- Modeling in machine design
Semester 3
- Integrated manufacturing systems
- Intellectual property in engineering and science
- Preparation of diploma thesis and preparation for diploma exam
- Advanced CAD tasks
- Selected issues in modeling modern technologies
- Simulation of machine mechanisms operation
- Computer modeling of nonlinear problems
- Diploma seminar
Program Outcome
- To educate engineering masters with advanced knowledge in mechanics and related sciences, thermal engineering, automation and robotics, machine element technology, plastics processing, and computer-aided engineering.
- To acquire high-level skills in design and advanced skills in the use of machinery for material processing and machining, thermal power machinery, and modern programming tools for both design and technology.
- To prepare graduates for solving complex research and innovative problems.
- To prepare graduates to lead engineering teams, to hold managerial positions in production structures, and to continuously improve their qualifications.
- To prepare graduates for both independent and teamwork in research, discussion of research results, and formulation of engineering problems.
A graduate of the second-cycle studies possesses advanced knowledge and skills necessary to understand issues related to the construction, manufacturing, and operation of machines. The graduate is a creative specialist in implementing modern technologies. They are prepared to:
- Carry out and creatively develop manufacturing, assembly, and operation processes.
- Assist in machine design, selection of engineering materials used as machine components, and supervise their operation.
- Work in a team, particularly in leading a team.
- Coordinate work and evaluate its results.
- Efficiently use modern computer techniques and transfer their skills to the workforce.
The graduate is prepared to take up employment in any sector of the industry, particularly in:
- Machinery manufacturing enterprises and others involved in manufacturing and operating machines.
- Design, engineering, and technological units associated with production organization and process automation.
- Technical acceptance units for products and materials, accreditation, and certification units.
- Research and consulting units.
- Other economic, administrative, and educational units requiring technical and computer knowledge.
Program Leaders
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.