Master of Arts (M.A.) Program in Applied Economics
Bangkok, Thailand
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
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THB 270,600 / per course **
* February-April for August intake | September-October for January intake
** international students
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
The Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, will open the Master of Arts Program in Applied Economics (MAAE) for the 2022 academic year. MAAE aims to provide students with a solid foundation in economic theory, a comprehensive toolkit for statistical analysis, and a practical understanding of how economics is applied in the real world. The program caters particularly to those who wish to develop data analysis skills and acquire a fuller grasp of economic problems and issues. The program emphasizes the development of data analysis and policy evaluation skills that are in demand in today’s labor market, particularly in business, healthcare, and the public sector.
The MAAE is an international program taught entirely in English by Chulalongkorn University faculty, experts from industry, and scholars from renowned universities in Thailand and abroad. It is a full-time daytime program that runs on a trimester schedule. Each course is taught as an intensive module that lasts 4 weeks with classes meeting 9:00 am-12:00 pm or 1:00 pm-4:00 pm. Given the intensive nature of the courses, students study one subject at a time.
Scholarships and Funding
Program Requirements
Students are required to complete 36 course credits to meet the graduation requirements. Students may take up to 12 credits per trimester, which means that a full-time student can graduate within one year. Students graduate with a Master of Arts in Applied Economics and earn a certificate of completion in one of three study tracks:
- International Economics and Finance
- Health Economics and Health Care Management
- Labor Economics
The four specialized courses in each track are designed to prepare students to conduct independent research required for the completion of the program.
Students may choose between two study plans:
A. Thesis option: Thesis students complete eight 3-credit courses and produce a thesis that is worth 12 course credits.
B. Individual Study (IS) option: IS students take eleven 3-credit courses, write an individual study (IS) paper that is worth 3 course credits, and sit a comprehensive exam.
Trimester 1 (August – November 2022)
- 3 core courses (Applied Microeconomics, Applied Macroeconomics, and Applied Econometrics)
- 1 track elective (Policy Analysis and Evaluation for Health and Labor Tracks; Global Financial Economics for International Track)
Trimester 2 (December 2022 – March 2023)
- 3 track electives
- International Economics and Finance Track: Global Trade and Investment, Global Business Economics, and Financial Assets and the International Financial System
- Health Economics and Health Care Management Track: Health Care Systems, Financing and Socio-Economic Development, Economic Analysis and Evaluation of Health Care, and Health Care Service Management
- Labor Economics Track: Labor Economics, Human Resource Economics, and Current Issues in the Thai Labor Market
- 1 core course: Research Methods in Applied Economics
Trimester 3 (April 2023 – July 2023)
Track A (Thesis)
- Thesis
Track B (Individual Study)
- 3 elective courses (offerings for AY 2022)
- Applied Time-Series Econometrics
- Special Topics in Applied Economics
- Special Topics in International Economics and Finance
- Economics of Gender
- Individual Study (IS) in Applied Economics
- Comprehensive Examinations