Master of Arts in Information Studies
Bangkok, Thailand
2 up to 3 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
Request earliest startdate
THB 82,500 / per semester **
* February-April for August intake | September-October for January intake
** for Thai students and THB 128,700 per semester for foreign students
The Master of Arts in Information Studies offered by Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Arts is Thailand’s first international program in information studies using English as the language of instruction. Our Graduate Program in Information Studies (GPIS) aims at producing proficient and independent scholars who are enthusiastic about finding solutions to the challenges facing information studies, and leaders in the information and library science profession. Our MA program is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).
The curriculum focuses on areas such as
- Nature of information;
- Storage, retrieval, processing, analysis, and dissemination of information;
- Human behavioral approaches to the analysis and application of information;
- Access to information; and
- Information system design and management
Information studies and research will enable students to creatively and appropriately manage data, information, and information systems which will ultimately lead to finding optimum solutions and policymaking in the abovementioned areas.
Students can choose among the following three areas of concentration:
- Archives and Digital Humanities: This concentration covers various aspects of archives and records management, and access and use of archival materials. Additionally, this concentration also explores new challenges in digital curation and opportunities in applying digital technologies to broaden insights into the humanities.
- Organization Management, Policies, and Ethics: This concentration focuses on management issues in information organizations as well as legal and ethical issues surrounding information production, service, and management.
- Human Interactions with Information System: This concentration emphasizes interactions between people, information, and system in different contexts, for instance, promotion of information literacy, development and use of digital repositories, and management of personal information.
Scholarships and Funding
Course Structure
- Core courses: 12 credits
- Elective courses: 12 credits
- Thesis: 12 credits
Studying in the MA program can take up to 4 years. However, it is expected that students can graduate within 2-3 years.
Core and Elective Courses
Core Courses
- Foundation of Information and Information Studies
- Seminar on Information Research
- Quantitative Research Methods in Information Studies OR Qualitative Research Methods in Information Studies
- Management of Information Organization OR Organization of Information OR Technologies in Information Studies
Elective Courses
- Concepts and Tools of Digital Humanities
- Data Curation and Management
- Digital Repository
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Human-Computer Interactions
- Human-Information Interactions
- Independent Study I
- Independent Study II
- Information Ethics
- Information Literacy
- Leadership for Information Professional
- Legal Issues in Information Production and Services
- Management of Information Organizations
- Organization of Information
- Principle of Records Management
- Qualitative Research Methods in Information Studies
- Quantitative Research Methods in Information Studies
- Technologies in Information Studies
- Theory and Practice of Archives Management
Research Directions
We welcome a wide variety of research efforts in information studies, the following are some of current research interests of our faculty members.
- Design thinking and service design for information products and services
- Change management for information organizations
- Intellectual property rights
- Critical analysis of cultural institutions
- Knowledge organization
- Digital preservation
- Research data curation
- Natural language processing (non-English)
- Learning technologies and analytics
- 21st century literacy
Academic Calendar
- First semester: August – December
- Second semester: January – May