Master in Medical Affairs and MSL
Madrid, Spain
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
Request tuition fees
The Master in Medical Affairs and MSL is a postgraduate program whose main objective is to train professionals who can join medical departments directly thanks to its eminently practical methodology.
The Medical Affairs and MSL areas are currently key pillars in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, leading and fundamental figures that differentiate the work of a medical department and its scientific excellence.
This program offers a combination of scientific and business training as a fundamental value. You will obtain a comprehensive vision provided by a faculty made up of recognized experts in the sector.
Our Master in Medical Affairs and MSL will allow you to:
- Understand the general context of the Pharmaceutical Industry, including its organizational structure, regulations and legal aspects.
- Understand what a clinical trial is and how its data is analyzed from a scientific, medical and clinical point of view.
- Define the Market Access concepts necessary to develop the Medical Affairs functions that interact with this department, during the different stages of a drug.
- Know the medical department, structure, roles and responsibilities, as well as the main functions of an MSL.
- Learn the technical and practical functions of an MSL: their day-to-day life.
- Understand the role of opinion leaders, as well as the role of medical affairs with its scientific interlocutor/partner.
- Learn about other roles that exist in medical departments, other than that of MSL , and learn to direct conversations based on the profile.
- Overview of the pharmaceutical industry
- Clinical trials and scientific evidence
- Market access and interaction with medical affairs
- Medical affairs
- Roles and responsibilities of the msl
- Opinion leaders and medical affairs
- Office-based roles or positions in medical affairs
- Final Master's Projects TFM
Program Outcome
- Preparing students to successfully face the different phases and situations aimed at obtaining professional opportunities (internships/employment).
We will work with the student on the individual development and review of CVs and cover letters. We will prepare for job interviews and actively search for and identify opportunities by integrating social networks. All of this will be supported by practical techniques such as role-play, group dynamics and workshops, among others.
- Enhance talent and key skills for greater efficiency in professional performance.
Within the training program, specific sessions are given aimed at working on and developing skills in communication, teamwork, negotiation, leadership, team management, among others.
- Personal branding creation.
All the tools and techniques necessary for the student to acquire deep self-knowledge will be provided. This will allow them to identify those skills and values in which they stand out the most and work on their areas of improvement, thus generating differentiation and their personal brand.
- Development of Profile 3.0.
Through the instructional process, the student will be able to develop a 3.0 profile that will integrate the basic training and the specialized training of the Master's degree in which he or she participates, together with the development of the personal brand acquired during the academic year.