Master in Health Biotechnology. Technology and management of biotechnology companies.
Madrid, Spain
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
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Considered one of the best master's degrees in Biotechnology by El Mundo's Best Master's Degrees 2024 ranking, the Master in Health Biotechnology provides its students with solid specialization in the management of different areas in companies in the biosanitary sector .
By following this program, participants will be able to acquire the knowledge and mastery of the tools necessary to achieve successful professional development in a sector in which significant and continuous advances are being achieved in the field of research , by applying them in their areas of action.
Its practical, multidisciplinary approach aimed at developing innovative business projects in a comprehensive manner also makes it an ideal program for bioentrepreneurs and the administration or general management of biotechnology-based companies .
- Introduction to the sector and bioentrepreneurship
- Patents and technology transfer
- Biotechnological fundamentals for application in industry
- Regulatory R&D
- Production and quality assurance and legal aspects
- Marketing and market access
- Commercial and business development
- Finance
- Personal development and profile 3.0
- Conferences
Program Outcome
- Preparing students to successfully face the different phases and situations aimed at obtaining professional opportunities (internships/employment).
We will work with the student on the individual development and review of CVs and cover letters. We will prepare for job interviews and actively search for and identify opportunities by integrating social networks. All of this will be supported by practical techniques such as role-play, group dynamics and workshops, among others.
- Enhance talent and key skills for greater efficiency in professional performance.
Within the training program, specific sessions are given aimed at working on and developing skills in communication, teamwork, negotiation, leadership, team management, among others.
- Personal branding creation.
All the tools and techniques necessary for the student to acquire deep self-knowledge will be provided. This will allow them to identify those skills and values in which they stand out the most and work on their areas of improvement, thus generating differentiation and their personal brand.
- Development of Profile 3.0.
Through the instructional process, the student will be able to develop a 3.0 profile that will integrate the basic training and the specialized training of the Master's degree in which he or she participates, together with the development of the personal brand acquired during the academic year.
Career Opportunities
Experts in this sector associate biotechnology and the future in their definition, which supports the different particularities of this field that motivate changes in direction in the strategic plans of companies in the sector. It is defined by:
- The constant innovations that companies and institutions in the biotechnology sector are managing to apply to their field of action.
- The amount of resources invested in research and development of biotechnological products applicable to human health.
- The successes achieved in various therapeutic areas with the first biotechnological treatments used.
This Master's degree has been designed to meet the needs of startups , established biotechnology companies and the biotechnology divisions of large pharmaceutical companies .