Master’s Degree in Digital Science Engineering - Major in Networks, Systems & Cybersecurity - ‘Grande École’ Program
5 Years
French, English
Full time
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EUR 7,500 / per year *
* EUR 5 500 per year for undergraduate studies
The current digital transition of companies is leading to major developments in information systems (security, access to data, cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence) and new uses of IT (BYOD, work from home, etc.). CESI engineers use their technical and scientific skills in this environment to successfully carry out IT projects that meet these new requirements. After completing this course, engineers will have all the tools they need to evolve in their trade, as well as to manage and steer large-scale projects. In addition to their technical and scientific skills, they will also be equipped with human skills to build and manage a team.
Possible Options
In the final year, students can choose two options among the following: Data Scientist & Big Data, 3D Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, Cybersecurity, Robotics, Research, Project Portfolio Management, Business Unit Manager, Innovation, Entrepreneurship. The list of options offered depends on the campus.
Five years to pave the way for your career as an engineer. In the undergraduate program, you start with one year that is common to all four CESI fields, and then you gradually progress towards choosing your major in year 3. You’ll be able to provide innovative solutions to the problems encountered. To achieve a specialization and stand out, choose an option in year 5. Accredited by the Commission of Engineering Certifications (CTI), this Program benefits from international recognition.
In-Company Missions
Undergraduate studies: On-site program development / Website creation / Mapping or redesign of local networks / Design and manipulation of databases Master of Engineering: Web or mobile application design / Object-oriented development / Secure network design / Database or Information System modeling and administration / Processing/algorithm optimization / Big data processing.
What Will Students be able to Do in a Company?
In the undergraduate program, students will carry out missions typically entrusted to an expert technical engineer: developing simple algorithms, designing and developing electronic assemblies, and computer programs, either embedded or not, and carrying out functional validation tests...
In the Master of Engineering program, students evolve from technicians to engineers:
- Qualified technicians at the end of the 1st year: they master the technical aspects of their missions and know how to apply them independently.
- Assistant engineers at the end of the 2nd year: they are able to handle problems requiring new solutions, and supervise teams in the field.
- Junior engineers at the end of the study program: they are autonomous to handle entire subjects by integrating technical, economic, organizational, and human dimensions.
The Assessment System
In both the undergraduate program and the Master of Engineering program, the assessment system is based on continuous monitoring. Subjects are divided into different Learning Units; Each unit corresponds to a given number of ECTS credits. One year corresponds to 60 credits. Students must have passed all their learning units and obtained their ECTS credits to progress to the next academic year.
The conditions for being awarded a degree are as follows:
- Passing all Learning Units, therefore having obtained 300 credits over the five years of training
- Obtaining a B2 level certification in English
- Doing a 20-week mobility abroad
CESI’s Master of Engineering program is a study program involving a 2-undergraduate program followed by a 3-year study program on campus, which leads to an engineering degree (level 7 - Master).
Choosing CESI’s International Programs
As an international, French-speaking, and English-speaking student, you have the opportunity to study different CESI programs in France, depending on your education level, ranging from undergraduate degrees to post-graduate degrees, or equivalent degrees obtained abroad:
- ‘Grande École’ Program (Master’s Degree)
- Master’s Degree in Engineering
- Master’s Degree in Computer Science
- Executive Post-Graduate Programs®
Some of our programs offer a so-called preparatory year, enabling you to improve your academic or language skills and, thus, making it easier for you to continue your studies: Engineering Degree Pathway.
Because welcoming you is one of CESI’s commitments, our teams will support you in preparing for your arrival and taking care of all administrative procedures, whatever program you choose.
The international aspect is at the heart of our strategic and educational plan. What’s the goal? To offer you a truly multicultural experience, an opportunity to broaden your horizons, and a window to the job market in France and abroad. All CESI training programs meet European and international standards, particularly by splitting the academic year into semesters or delivering ECTS credits. Moreover, CESI holds the ERASMUS+ charter and works with many international players such as Campus France or the CDIO Initiative.
The Curriculum of the Undergraduate Program
Fundamental Engineering Sciences
- Implementing mathematical tools for engineers: uncertainty calculations, study of functions, trigonometry, integrals, differential equations, plane geometry, complex numbers, polynomials, vectors, matrices, relational algebra and set theory, statistics and probability
- Applying the fundamental principles of direct and alternating current electricity, point mechanics, waves
Sciences and Methods of an Engineer
- Applying analysis and problem-solving methods
- Carrying out a functional analysis / Establishing specifications
- Understanding and implementing the basic principles of algorithmics: discovering and practicing the basics of procedural programming.
- Working in project mode
Sciences and Techniques of Civil Engineering
Gaining basic knowledge for communications: networks, coding, signal processing, waves, and wireless communication
- Understanding the architecture of information systems and mastering the different elements that make them up
- Discovering the different architectures of local and public networks (internet, intranet), implementing communication and network administration techniques.
- Developing programs and coding them in different languages: Python, C, C++-
Humanities, Economics, Legal and Social Sciences
- Developing one’s ability to express oneself clearly and flawlessly in French orally and in writing
- Gaining communication reflexes that promote teamwork
- Practicing the English language to communicate in a professional context
- Acquiring the fundamentals of economics and labor law
- Incorporating the principles of sustainable development to address climate issues
Application Traineeship
- Applying the knowledge acquired during a traineeship in a company (3 months, minimum)
Master of Engineering curriculum
Fundamental Engineering Sciences
- Practicing the mathematical tools for engineers
- Fully grasping and implementing advanced algorithmic concepts
- Using statistics and probability / Using the graph theory to solve problems
- Applying operations research to optimization problems
- Analyzing and recognizing complex problems
- Using cryptography as part of an IS
Sciences and Methods of an Engineer
- Using modeling methods as part of IT projects
- Working with software engineering tools
- Discovering the innovation principles
- Acting in line with Green IT / Practicing regular technology watch
- Conducting a study as part of the research
- Practicing project management
Sciences and Techniques of Industrial Engineering
- Computer networks: study of communication principles and protocols, design and implementation of local and wide area networks, routing, switching, network security, wireless technologies
- Operating systems: study of operating systems such as Linux and Windows, virtualization, containerization, systems administration, process and resource management
- IT security: introduction to basic IT security concepts, cryptography, firewalls, intrusion detection, data protection, security policies, penetration testing, security breach management
- Information systems management: understanding aspects related to information systems management, risk management, business continuity planning, regulatory compliance, security incident management, supervision
- Forensic analysis in computer science: digital investigation techniques, collection and analysis of digital evidence, investigation methodologies, presentation of analysis results
Humanities, Economics, Legal and Social Sciences
- Discovering team management
- Using the basic principles of economics and business administration in a company
- Becoming fully aware of labor law / Working in a highly intercultural environment
- Acting ethically
- Fully grasping notions related to entrepreneurship
- Understanding what Corporate Social Responsibility entails
- English: writing and speaking skills, preparation for the TOEIC test certification
- Interculturality
Professional Project
- The Individual Training Project allows each student to draw up their professional project: identifying the skills required for the targeted position, performing a self-assessment, building a progress plan, and assessing their progress.
- Students benefit from optimized preparation for taking up their positions at the end of training. This process is followed up throughout the training by CESI teachers and recruitment experts.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
- IT Project Manager
- Information Systems Architect / Systems Engineer
- Network Architect / Network Administrator
- Cybersecurity Engineer
Further Studies at CESI
Executive Post-Graduate Programs at CESI to specialize your expertise or move towards research by continuing your PhD studies at CESI. Take advantage of CESI partnerships with international universities and business schools to obtain a double degree.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.