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Centro Studi Panta Rei

Centro Studi Panta Rei

For the integration between Psychology, Medicine and Neuroscience

The Professional Association of the Centro Studi Panta Rei was founded in 1997 in the province of Como (Italy) by the will of Foglia Manzillo Maria Cristina (psychologist, psychotherapist and doctor) enrolled in the Register of Psychologists of Lombardy (No. 03/4845) and Register of the Doctors of the Province of Como (No. 6539) and Nasti Nunzio (psychologist and psychotherapist) enrolled in the Register of Psychologists of Lombardy (No. 03/4998). The Center was created by the will of two psychotherapists (Nasti Nunzio and Foglia Manzillo Maria Cristina) grew up together during the years of the University and the following 4 years of the graduate school and who, in the meantime, got married.

The name of the Study Center was not chosen by chance. The phrase "Panta Rei" immediately refers to the ancient Greek philosophy and to a particular philosopher, Heraclitus. The phrase is commonly translated into Italian as "Everything flows" or "Everything becomes." It was chosen because it suits well both our life choices and our subject matter.

We have made "Everything changes" a point of reference for our lives. In fact, we agreed on this: "If something in our lives does not satisfy us, it is worth trying to change it." We did not want to live regret for not having had the courage.

As young people, not being satisfied with the place where we lived (the former "Campania Felix"), we decided to come to the North, we chose Como, a completely unknown place: we knew that, for that decision, we would have paid or earned In the beginning, we paid a lot, at certain times too much but then, with the passage of time, we were happy both of the decision taken and of having managed to endure the pain and build our Center. after brick, with infinite patience, our small project is growing.Our experience has not been different from a psychotherapy path with the foreseeable difficulties to tear up some roots to plant new ones, with the attempts to demolish and rebuild, to transform and smoothen, broaden and change your horizon.We think, in fact, that we could not introduce ourselves to patients without having the courage to change what we did not like. or could we have guided another person on a journey that we had avoided ourselves?

And so we try to embody what our profession has taught us and to put to good use the instruments it has endowed us with.

The way we look at change is not extreme, like nothing that characterizes us. No extreme perspective belongs to us. We are convinced that changing too much is like not changing.

Our Mission

We like the scientific spirit because it is potentially democratic, has a collective soul, is open to change in the interest of knowledge. We write "potentially" because science is made by scientists who are human beings and introduce our weaknesses in the scientific field.

We love psychology, medicine and neuroscience. We are very attracted by the man's ability to face difficult situations, to be able to get up after a heavy thud. We like resilience (the ability of man to face the inevitable difficulties of life with a constructive spirit). That is why we have studied the subjects mentioned above and are full of admiration for the new discoveries of unimaginable neuroscience for much of the old science that has opposed it and still does not integrate the new discoveries in its daily clinical practice.

We like to take care of others (do not be manipulated or exploited by others, or the lawyers of the causes lost at the start, attention!). We think that good quality social relationships are a beautiful fertile ground for human serenity. This is for us.

Nature is another of our interests. We try to pollute less, to recycle better, to use composting in our home, to buy "zero km" food from local producers, to encourage organic farming methods, to take advantage of a walk to clean up a path (pains in the back allowing).

Our main interests:


Although we specialize in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which is the foundation of our professional preparation, we are committed to recognizing their worthy place in psychological clinics to many other approaches. This makes our counseling paths "stimulating" and "involving" both for the students and for the teachers but also "challenging".


A passion felt by both as much as for psychology.

The studies have been and still are fascinating for Maria Cristina, who is involved in a long journey due to serious health problems that have seen her both as a student and a sick woman hospitalized in various departments.

This makes the reason for suffering if we sometimes observe attitudes in medicine that are not exactly in line with what one would like to be "the elegance and professionalism of the medical profession".


The love for the functioning of the body and the mind see their highest expression in the interest of neuroscience at the basis of which are modern studies on the formation of brain circuits in the course of life and on the plasticity of the same. There are opening unsuspected and contrasted scenarios for centuries in medicine and "classical" neurology on the brain's ability to reprogram and tackle the adversities that occur even if it is a result of stroke that happened years ago. Prospects are very promising for the future of diseases and neurological conditions considered for centuries unchanging.

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  • Milan

    PIAZZA IRNERIO, 2 , 20146, Milan

Centro Studi Panta Rei