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Centre for Advanced Studies of the South East (Centro de Estudios Superiores del Sureste) Master's in University Teaching
Centre for Advanced Studies of the South East (Centro de Estudios Superiores del Sureste)

Master's in University Teaching

Campeche, Mexico

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Jul 2024

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What is the OBJECTIVE?

Develop competencies in university teaching through theoretical, methodological, didactic, technological, and scientific paradigms; that allows them to enrich the performance of the teaching-learning processes of the professionals who are teaching, to generate innovative proposals that respond to the various educational problems of their environment and community through the link between technological development - scientific and college education.

Graduate profile

Upon completion of the Master's program in University Teaching, candidates for the master's degree will have developed skills, attitudes, and knowledge that will allow them to function effectively as innovative teachers, capable of offering comprehensive training to their students and contributing to the development of their potential. The teacher in university teaching will have a profile made up of the following aspects:

Knowledge about:

Group dynamics

Formulation of educational objectives.

Educational programming.

Psychology of education and human development.

Learning theories and models.

Teaching strategies and practices.

Teaching skills

Educational and learning evaluation

Learning environments and educational technology

Educational investigation

Educational inclusion

About the School


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