Centre for Advanced Studies of Guamuchil (Centro de Estudios Superiores de Guamuchil, A.C.)
Today we can say that the route started almost forty-three years ago by this educational center was a watershed in the progress of Guamúchil and the Évora region, 1977 the first private higher education institution emerged in the state of Sinaloa, this was possible thanks to Prof. Rafael Castro Juárez and Mrs. Eva Luz Camacho Sánchez who had the vision of founding the Centro de Estudios Superiores de Guamúchil AC and through these years has managed to reap the fruits of 36 generations of professionals from different areas of knowledge, from the ranks More than 4000 students have graduated from CESGAC, the vast majority working in the professional field from which they graduated.
- Guamúchil
Guamúchil, Mexico