Master of Science Leisure and Tourism studies
Breda, Netherlands
1 Years
Full time
01 Jun 2024*
02 Sep 2024
EUR 2,530 **
* EU/EEA students: 15 August | non-EU students: 1 June
** the institutional fee is €16,500
Multidisciplinary approach to leisure and tourism
People have more and more leisure pursuits to choose from. Because our leisure time is becoming increasingly complex, we need graduates who understand what is happening within the leisure and tourism industry. In this academic master's programme, you will learn to look at leisure and tourism from different scientific disciplines. Central to this are the research themes of Experience & Storytelling and Placemaking & Events.
Do you have an academic bachelor’s degree from a Dutch or foreign university? Or did you complete the academic bachelor’s programme Leisure Studies or Tourism at BUas, or the pre-master Strategic Business Management and Marketing or Leisure and Tourism Studies? Then take a look at the Master of Science in Leisure and Tourism Studies!
Discovery day
Please visit link for more information
Our leisure time is a vital resource that can be used for creative and physical activity, building relationships, forging identities, and developing skills. The experiences that fill our leisure time are provided by an industry that accounts for 6% of the workforce in the Netherlands. The phenomena of Leisure and Tourism are increasing in complexity and require an integrated and multidisciplinary approach. The courses of this academic master’s program build on knowledge and expertise from various fields such as sociology, psychology, economics, management, and marketing.
Research themes
You will work on two important research themes: Experiences and storytelling and Place-making and events. The program is divided into two phases. In the first phase, you will take courses like Understanding Leisure and Tourism Attractions and Events, Leisure, Creativity and Space, and Experience Marketing in Leisure and Tourism. In the second phase, you will work on your graduation. You will prepare for this in seminars together with other students, after which you will write your individual master's thesis.
Course details
The program consists of two phases. The first phase aims to provide context in the form of master’s courses. In the second phase, you will work on providing your content to the field in the form of your master’s thesis. A complete overview of the curriculum, course content, and learning objectives can be found in the study guide.
The program covers 12 months and is made up of two main phases:
Phase 1- Master's courses on leisure in a network society
All five master’s courses in this first phase will have a dynamic set-up in the sense that they are positioned within the context of leisure in a network society. The master’s courses center on the two main current research programs in leisure and tourism: Experiences & Storytelling and Placemaking & Events.
Leisure, Creativity, and Space
This master’s course discusses recent insights into the processes of globalization, modification, and commercialization and their impact on the changing role of leisure in the design of public and private places and spaces.
Understanding Leisure and Tourism Attractions and Events
Recent insights and research in the field of change management, innovation, networks, co-creation, attractions, theme parks, and ‘eventful cities’ are the key ingredients of this master’s course.
Organizing Strategy and Entrepreneurship (at Tilburg University, with reservations)Central in this course is the idea that our world is evolving at a rapid pace and that we are in direct need of a ‘transformative change’ of our society and the role of organizations. In this course, the focus is on organization strategies by taking a ‘systematic approach’ and ‘serious gaming’ as a strategic instrument.
Experience Marketing in Leisure and Tourism
As marketing is a key instrument in the leisure and tourism industry, the master’s course in Experience Marketing will immerse you into the field of marketing and market research, zeroing in on the leisure and tourism industry and the experience economy. The pros and cons of various research techniques are one of the topics addressed in this course.
Analysing Leisure Interactions
You are introduced to the field of practice theories and core concepts of leisure and tourism studies. You will work in groups to study issues related to authenticity, new media, or happiness.
Phase 2- Master's thesis
To ensure a smooth progression from the course and content phase (phase 1) to the thesis phase (phase 2) you will first attend the Seminar Leisure Studies to select and elaborate a thesis topic. A structured process leads to the finalization of your thesis proposal. This proposal culminates in a research thesis on a theme that has academic and societal relevance.
Study load and coaching
The Master of Science in Leisure and Tourism Studies is a one-year, full-time program. The total study load is 60 ECTS credits, including the final project. To give you an idea: 1 ECTS credit = approximately 28 hours of study a week.
We offer you a small-scale study environment as the number of students involved in this master's program is limited. For questions about course content, lecturers can be easily reached. In addition, the master's coordinator is available to help with day-to-day issues. If you wish to discuss personal problems that may be affecting your life as a student, you can turn to the student counselor.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Completion of the Master of Science in Leisure and Tourism Studies will offer you a range of career opportunities.
For example:
- Leisure and tourism Management: manager of theme parks, sports centers, events, leisure venues, theatre management and marketing, tour operations
- Leisure and tourism Policy: public policy advisor for local and national government, project development analyst, sports policymaker
- Leisure and tourism Research: researcher in public and commercial research organizations and universities
- Leisure and tourism Education: lecturer at universities of applied sciences and research universities
Why study at Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Recognised by WLO as a World Leisure Centre of Excellence
- The only academic master’s programme in Leisure and Tourism in the Netherlands
- Multidisciplinary approach; strongly related to topics in the international leisure and tourism industry