Brazil University (Universidade Brasil)
With more than four decades of experience in the educational area, in basic education, and 40 years in higher education, the Camilo Castelo Branco University, currently, Universidade Brasil, applied for and obtained its accreditation as a University on 06/16/1989. On 05/03/1995, it accredited the Campus Fernandópolis, located on the Projected Road F-1, without number, Fazenda Santa Rita, Fernandópolis, SP, CEP 15600-000, and the Descalvado Campus, located at Rua Hilário da Silva Passos, 950 , University Park, Descalvado, SP, CEP 13690-970.
With more than four decades of experience in the educational area, in basic education, and 40 years in higher education, the Camilo Castelo Branco University, currently, Universidade Brasil, applied for and obtained its accreditation as a University on 06/16/1989. On 05/03/1995, it accredited the Campus Fernandópolis, located on the Projected Road F-1, without number, Fazenda Santa Rita, Fernandópolis, SP, CEP 15600-000, and the Descalvado Campus, located at Rua Hilário da Silva Passos, 950 , University Park, Descalvado, SP, CEP 13690-970.
In order to expand its area of operation taking higher education to other regions, it offers distance learning courses, with authorization for four on-site support centers, distributed in São Paulo, Descalvado, Santos, and Sertãozinho, all in the state of São Paulo. Paulo.
In 2016, the Institution was re-accredited and its name changed from Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco to Universidade Brasil.
The IES currently offers 46 undergraduate courses in the face-to-face modality and 28 courses in the distance modality, distributed in eight major areas of knowledge, which makes it possible to carry out teaching and learning, research and extension, articulated in the production and dissemination of the knowledge, as well as in the increase of the regional and national economy, distributed in the Campi of São Paulo, Mooca, Fernandópolis, and Descalvado.
The Institution offers a set of Lato Sensu Postgraduate courses in the main areas of knowledge, five programs, and five Stricto Sensu Postgraduate courses (4 Masters Programs and 1 Doctoral Program). In addition, she was awarded scholarships from the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships - PIBIC, from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq.
Regarding the Lato Sensu EAD Post-Graduation, it is worth noting that the institution offers a set of courses in the areas of knowledge: health, engineering education, environment. IES also received scholarships from the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships - PIBID, offered by CAPES.
Regarding the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program, there are twenty-two registered research groups registered with CNPQ, with projects under development in different areas of knowledge.
- São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil