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Ben-Gurion University of the Negev M.Sc. in Hydrology & Water Quality
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

M.Sc. in Hydrology & Water Quality

2 Years


Full time

Request application deadline

Oct 2024

ILS 17,329 / per year *


* varies according to CPI index


Drylands occupy more than one-third of the earth's land surface, including most of the Middle East and Israel. Dwindling water supplies and deteriorating water quality impede the sustainable development of drylands and the well-being of their growing population. The aim of this program is to introduce students to cutting-edge research and graduate education in water sciences, aimed at improving human life in drylands through technologies and policies for the sustainable use of water resources

The program offers the following tracks of study:

  • Water Resources
  • Desalination and Water Treatment
  • Microbiology and Water Quality

The M.Sc. program offers a thesis (research) track.


Scholarships and Funding


Program Outcome

Program Tuition Fee

About the School
