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Ben-Gurion University of the Negev M.Sc. in Biotechnology Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

M.Sc. in Biotechnology Engineering

2 Years


Full time

Request application deadline

Oct 2024

ILS 17,329 / per year *


* varies according to CPI index


The Department of Biotechnology Engineering (BTE), one of the University's youngest departments, offers a vibrant cutting-edge research atmosphere led by 15 faculty members. The Department is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities. BTE invests continual efforts in providing students with hands-on experience in laboratory classes that develop skills and experience in engineering in three major clusters: Medical Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Energy, and Environmental Biotechnology. The broad topics of research covered by BTE include microbiology, biochemistry, genetic engineering, renewable energy, nutraceuticals, medical sciences, biological drugs, tissue engineering, stem cells, and synthetic biology. This high volume of activities is also backed by a continuous production of scientific publications. Many of the biotechnology engineers who graduated from the Department now hold key positions in academic institutions and in the Biotech industry in Israel and around the world.

The M.Sc. program is a two-year thesis (research) track Program.


Scholarships and Funding

Program Tuition Fee

About the School
