MS in Engineering Management
Cospicua, Malta
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 3,500 / per semester *
* plus one-time admission fee: 1500 EUR + registration fee: 200 EUR/semester + activity fee: 100 EUR/semester
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The MSc in Engineering Management is designed for graduate engineers aspiring to advance into management careers within technological organizations. In a global economy, it is vital for companies to hire and develop new talent that can bridge communication gaps in many contexts. Students are trained to lead multi-disciplinary teams and translate customer needs into new engineering technologies. In a global context, our students are adept at finding common ground and fostering international ties to create new ideas and perspectives. Our students gain an understanding of project management, finance, technical sales & marketing, law for engineers, and decision-making under uncertainty. Our program focuses on creating leaders who are able to adapt to dynamic business environments.
Program Details
- Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters.
- Credits needed to earn the degree: 45 US credits/ 90 ECTS
- GPA needed to earn the degree: 3.0 or higher
Program Objectives
The MSc Engineering Management degree program is intended to produce graduates who are able to assume management responsibility in technology-based organizations. This Program is in response to student and employer demand for a Program to teach management skills to graduate engineers with little or no background in business-related knowledge.
Students completing the program are expected to be able to apply the methodology and tools of this engineering discipline to further their careers into increasing responsible management positions. Most engineers graduate with limited business-related skills which limit advancement opportunities in technology-based companies. Students are expected to learn technology management skills including financial modeling, technical marketing, law, decision-making under uncertainty, and project management.
By the completion of the MSc program in Engineering Management, a student will:
- acquire in-depth knowledge within a particular area of study and complementary knowledge from a related area in Systems and Industrial Engineering
- conduct an original research (formulating a problem, developing a model, and finding a solution based on the analysis)
- effectively communicate ideas and results via written and verbal communication.
Program Outcome
The learner will be able to:
- prepare professional proposals and reports
- competently deliver oral presentations to technical and lay audiences
- develop and use effective audio/visual aids
- write effective professional communications such as emails and memorandums
- communicate within the engineering disciplines through plans and drawings
Learning Outcomes for Learning to Learn Skills for the whole course
The learner will be able to:
- understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
- recognize the need to engage lifelong learning
- be capable of developing a career plan including options for advanced education or specialized training to enhance career
- have the ability to autonomously initiate and engage in life-long learning

Career Opportunities
- Director of Hardware Engineering at a computer design firm.
- Process Engineering Manager at a car manufacturing plant.
- Senior Operations/Systems Analyst at a digital technology firm.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.