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AUM American University of Malta MS in Cyber Security
AUM American University of Malta

MS in Cyber Security

Cospicua, Malta

2 Years


Full time

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EUR 3,500 / per semester *


* plus one-time admission fee: 1500 EUR + registration fee: 200 EUR/semester + activity fee: 100 EUR/semester


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The MSc in Cyber Security is designed for graduate engineers aspiring to advance into cyber security management careers within technological organizations. In a global economy, it is vital for companies to hire and develop new talent that can bridge communication gaps in many contexts.

Our students are trained to understand computer and network technologies, and how to secure and protect their operations as well as the applications and data. In a global context, our students are adept at finding common ground and fostering international ties to create new ideas and perspectives. Our program focuses on creating leaders who are able to adapt to exploit emerging cyber technologies and have the knowledge and expertise to secure and manage their operations against cyber attacks.

Program Details

  • Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters.
  • Credits needed to earn the degree: 48 US credits / 96 ECTS
  • GPA needed to earn the degree: 3.0 or higher

Learning Objectives

Students completing the program are expected to be able to apply the methodology and tools learned in this program to effectively secure and protect the operations of computer networks, computing systems, data and applications. Students are expected to learn equally cyber security fundamentals as well as hands-on in effective use and deployment of current and emerging cyber security solutions and tools.

By completion of the MSc program in cyber security engineering, a student will: (a) Master the intricacies and vulnerabilities of computer networks, computing systems, clouds, and web applications; (b) Learn how to develop algorithms that detect, protect against, and minimize the effectiveness of cyber attacks that target networks, protocols, operating systems, computers and web applications. (c) Contribute to the development of the next generation of tools and solutions in the domain of cyber security engineering.

Program Outcome

Career Opportunities



Program Tuition Fee

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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About the School


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