Antonio José Camacho University Institution (Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho UNIAJC)
The UNIAJC is a public entity, of the municipal order, attached to the Mayor's Office of Santiago de Cali, administratively autonomous, generating and disseminating knowledge, with an objective vocation of service to society through scientific, investigative, and social projection activities, for the promotion of the quality and excellence of education in the nation. As a public university, the institutional projection is based on the credit built by our schools over the years, thanks to a decided emphasis on the research method and the capacity it grants to transform knowledge. Only the UNIAJC shares the honor of public education in the region with another magnificent institution, the Universidad del Valle, configuring a reality that proposes an enriched academic scenario open to applicants, students, teachers, scientists, researchers, and personalities of the national academy, to develop their talents and deepen their knowledge of their fields of interest, accompanied by the support of two great institutions that shine in the national academic environment for their tradition and prestige. We transform knowledge For many, talking about technology is talking about a number of electronic devices that have emerged in recent times as a result of the advancement of society, however, in a broader and deeper sense, technology is the transformation of knowledge, an essential function that provides dynamics society and opens paths to the construction of being from the renewal of thought models. Throughout the years, UNIAJC has distinguished itself by its outstanding participation in the field of technologies and will continue to be a predominant area in institutional development.
The UNIAJC is a public entity, of the municipal order, attached to the Mayor's Office of Santiago de Cali, administratively autonomous, generating and disseminating knowledge, with an objective vocation of service to society through scientific, investigative, and social projection activities, for the promotion of the quality and excellence of education in the nation.
As a public university, the institutional projection is based on the credit built by our schools over the years, thanks to a decided emphasis on the research method and the capacity it grants to transform knowledge. Only the UNIAJC shares the honor of public education in the region with another magnificent institution, the Universidad del Valle, configuring a reality that proposes an enriched academic scenario open to applicants, students, teachers, scientists, researchers, and personalities of the national academy, to develop their talents and deepen their knowledge of their fields of interest, accompanied by the support of two great institutions that shine in the national academic environment for their tradition and prestige.
We transform knowledge
For many, talking about technology is talking about a number of electronic devices that have emerged in recent times as a result of the advancement of society, however, in a broader and deeper sense, technology is the transformation of knowledge, an essential function that provides dynamics society and opens paths to the construction of being from the renewal of thought models. Throughout the years, UNIAJC has distinguished itself by its outstanding participation in the field of technologies and will continue to be a predominant area in institutional development.
- Cali
Avenida 6 Norte,29N-25, 760046, Cali