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Agrocampus Ouest


The French School of Agriculture, Food, Horticultural and Landscape Sciences (AGROCAMPUS OUEST) is an internal school of the National Institute of Higher Education for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, called the "Insitut Agro".

The French School of Agriculture, Food, Horticultural and Landscape Sciences (AGROCAMPUS OUEST) is an internal school of the National Institute of Higher Education for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, called the "Insitut Agro".

The National Institute of Higher Education for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, or "the Institut Agro," was created on January 1st, 2020, by merging 2 existing Higher Education Agricultural Institutions: Agrocampus Ouest (AO) and Montpellier SupAgro (MSA).

The newly created Institute is designed to provide France with a leading, university-level institution focusing on food, agriculture, and the environment. It has three main aims: to train students, conduct academic and applied research, and transfer knowledge to society.

Every year, the Institute trains over 3,750 agricultural engineers, Master's and PhD students on its 5 campuses to address the world's societal and environmental challenges through a systemic approach. It employs 210 research-lecturers, working in 36 research units. A dedicated International Team with a hands-on approach works alongside academics and researchers.

  • Rennes

    Rue de Saint-Brieuc,65, 35000, Rennes

    • Angers

      Rue André le Notre,2, 49000, Angers

      Agrocampus Ouest