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Accademia Riaci


The ultimate goal of Accademia Riaci’s education is not focused only on teaching traditional techniques and styles but aims to guide students to develop their own artistic sensitivity, creativity and realize their full potential.

About Accademia Riaci

“I always tell my students: within all of us, in the most suitable way, a tiny, magical artistic potential is hiding patiently to be discovered.”

“The task of teachers is to awake that magic within the students and guide them to search for the true art and the talent and to teach them the joy of learning. So the teachers are not only to teach the technical know-how, but also to nourish each one’s imagination, fantasy, and the culture to quest for the true art and talent.” Accademia Riaci Honorary President, Raymond Riaci.

Our History

The heritage of the traditional craftsmanship and the arts that flourished in Tuscany, especially in Florence, celebrated the glory of the Renaissance era as the true gem of arts. Workshops and studios of the craftsmen were the major driving power of the city’s production activities that helped Florence truly flourish as Italy’s artistic capital of the era, and they together with the merchants achieved glory and great fortune.

Numerous magnificent artistic objects were created for baptisteries in the craftsmen’s studios, often those of goldsmiths. A good example is Maestro Benvenuto Cellini, who taught his superior sculpting techniques for making a nude statue out of marble to his apprentices in a studio somewhere. Today, these commissioned crafts executed by the beloved Maestro have been preserved for centuries as a true work of art. This legacy of the wholesome and special traditions of craftsmanship, such as gold and jewelry production, sculpture and painting, was, fortunately, lively inherited over many centuries in Florence and in the entire Tuscany region.

Upon founding the studio in 1983, Maestro Raymond Riaci had a strong vision to create a school that not only taught his techniques but enlightened young artists with the lively spirit and atmosphere of the Renaissance, in order to fulfill his lifelong mission as a Maestro. This was how Accademia Riaci was founded: a treasure box of traditional art and its irreplaceable techniques. The teaching secretly contains techniques unknown to any other school, and the Accademia Riaci strives to nurture and develop the imagination and fantasy in each and every single student.

Starting as a small art studio, today the same passionate mission has lit up not only a single maestro but a spectacular team of teachers representing the best Italian artists in Florence, retaining the founder and Honorary President’s vision of tradition and spirit, expressed in the quote. Our student’s body has represented over 50 countries worldwide, pursuing their art in the fields of Design, Crafts, Fine Arts, Italian Language, and Italian Culinary Arts, never failing to inspire them.

Teaching Method and Philosophy

Mission – “Live the past, create the future”

The ultimate goal of Accademia Riaci’s education is not focused only on teaching traditional techniques and styles but aims to guide students to develop their own artistic sensitivity, creativity and realize their full potential.

From the Traditional to the Ultra-modern Techniques

Students may choose to learn from various fields of arts and traditional arts offered at the academy. Contrary to the recent trends of mass production, Accademia Riaci believes in high quality rather than quantity. This is why design and techniques of traditional and classical arts to the most advanced designs and techniques are studied and acquired through numerous hours of practical hands-on training in their major of choice. Students will be nurtured to develop their imagination, and fantasies – the most valued elements of an artist. Professors encourage each student to inspire and develop each student’s originality not only through their teaching but also by helping them re-discover the “special something” about each learning artist.

Small Classe Sizes

Research shows that students working in small groups tend to learn more and appear more satisfied with their classes. Lower class sizes are linked to positive educational benefits such as better test scores, fewer dropouts, and higher graduation rates. Therefore, Accademia Riaci’s classes are organized in a small group of students.

Tailored Instruction

Just like how Leonardo Da Vinci taught his assistants, lessons are conducted in close relationship with each student, in line with their ability and personality, challenging both beginners and experienced professionals.

Accademia Riaci School Group

The Accademia Riaci School Group consists of three schools: Accademia Riaci, FCAS and ABC de’ Conti.

Each school offers courses in different disciplines:

  • Accademia Riaci: Arts, Crafts & Design courses
  • FCAS: Culinary Arts courses
  • ABC de’ Conti: Italian Language courses

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  • Florence

    Via de' Conti 4 - 50123 Florence Italy, 50123, Florence

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