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The characteristics of private school education, in which the independence of education is respected, are manifested by conducting education based on a unique tradition and educational philosophy based on the "founding spirit." That characteristic is also the reason for the existence of private schools, which are different from public schools. At愛知産業大学our school corporation, the development of "human resources who can contribute to society" is the basic principle of education.

In order to carry out the basic educational philosophy of "cultivating human resources who can contribute to society," we will carry out educational activities with the educational policies of "cultivating human resources with abundant intelligence" and "cultivating human resources with a sincere heart." I will do it.

"Abundant intelligence" is the ability to make the best decisions with a wide range of knowledge and deep education, and for that purpose, it is important to actively work on everything and spare no effort. A "sincere heart" is a serious heart full of sincerity and affection, and to do so, treat everything with sincerity, thank you from the bottom of your heart, and be polite.

A person who can contribute to society is a person who has both "rich intelligence" and "honest heart".

We believe that愛知産業大学can contribute to society by fostering human resources with "rich intelligence" and "honest heart" in the spirit of the founding of the愛知産業大学.

  • Nishio

    12-5 Harayama, Oka-cho, Okazaki-shi, Aichi, , Nishio

