Master Programs in Brazil 2025
FGV EBAPE - Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration
Master in Business Management (MEX)
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Part time
22 months
The Master's in Business Management (MEX) is aimed at higher education graduates in the country or abroad, who work or intend to work in the field of management or teaching. The program enables master's students to develop their critical-analytical capacity using a strong methodological base, knowledge of innovation and new technologies used to solve problems in the context of management.
Audencia Business School
MSc in Food and Agribusiness Management
- Nantes, France
- São Paulo, Brazil
Full time
26 months
For future managers who are passionate about food and agriculture, the Master of Science in food and agribusiness management (FAM) programme delivers top academic and practical business knowledge to better manage the world food challenges in a responsible and innovative manner.
L’École De Design Nantes Atlantique
Master International Design Strategy / Brazil Studio
- Nantes, France
- São Paulo, Brazil + 1 more
Full time
2 years
Located in the heart of a downtown campus, the Brazil Studio offers a bilingual program that allows an accelerated acculturation to the Portuguese language and the Brazilian context.
ESPM – Brasil
Master in Political Communication and Society
- São Paulo, Brazil
Part time
3 semesters
Distance Learning
Throughout this Master, students will be prepared to evaluate scenarios, discuss some of the most relevant themes of contemporary society, aiming to understand its main characteristics and the debates in vogue;
FIA – Fundação Instituto de Administração
Professional Master in Business Management
- São Paulo, Brazil
Part time
2 years
The Professional Master's in Business Management was created in 2013 with the aim of promoting education for professional advancement in the area of Administration and in areas related to it, favoring the deepening of knowledge in management theories and practices.
Universidade Veiga de Almeida (UVA)
Degree in Civil Engineering
- Belém, Brazil
Full time
The Undergraduate Course in Civil Engineering can be completed in five years (10 periods) and is structured in such a way as to provide the classical theoretical foundations and the most advanced techniques currently applicable to solving problems in the area.
Hyper Island
MA in Digital Management - Online
- Manchester, United Kingdom
- London, United Kingdom + 5 more
Part time
15 months
Our Part-Time, Online MA Digital Management program has been designed to enable you to face the challenges of our uncertain modern world, but with a schedule, that enhances a transformative journey. Together with classmates from all over the world, you will become a new kind of leader; one that’s adaptive, collaborative, and creatively driven. Go beyond other conventional master’s programs and thinking practices on how to create effective teams and business values.
Campos de Andrade University Centre (Centro Universitário Campos de Andrade (UNIANDRADE))
School management
- Paraná, Brazil
Educational institutions are responsible for the relevance of education in the country. However, with the change in the economic scenario, in social relations, and the advancement of technology, the market started to demand educational managers updated in the concepts, skills, strategies, and management tools. The government has increasingly invested in programs aimed at expanding basic and professional education. These programs signal the expansion of basic and technical education, which raises the demand for management positions in schools. In addition, the scenario generated by the great transformations resulting from technological advances and the globalization of the economy demands a concept of school under a systemic approach, within the scope of school management. This means thinking about a modern, democratic, and autonomous management model, capable of contributing to raising the quality of education and promoting sustainability, understood here in its broadest concept, which encompasses the social, economic, and environmental dimension.
State University Of Goias - Universidade Estadual De Goias
- Goiás, Brazil
The principle of sustainable development is to satisfy the needs of the present generation without compromising the possibilities of future generations to do the same. This principle guides the actions of the UEG Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Sustainable Rural Development, which is being proposed with the aim of developing the skills of professionals linked to the Agrarian Sector and that they seek and support the transition process to sustainable rural development in the various spheres of the agricultural sector. The course includes three lines of research: Animal production, plant production, and rural management and extension.
UFVJM Universidade Federal Dos Vales Do Jequitinhonha E Mucuri
Postgraduate Program in Animal Science
- Jardim Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Graduate Program in Animal Science (PPGZOO) at UFVJM was recommended by CAPES, at the Master's level, according to letter 63-12 / 2007 / CTC / CAA / CAPES, on July 26, 2007, and had its first class of academics enrolled in March 2008. The course has a maximum duration of two years and the guidelines are currently exercised by fifteen permanent teachers (Supervisors), eleven UFVJM civil servants, and four external (UFV, UFSJ, and UFMT), and four collaborating teachers. . PPGZOO seeks to provide its master's students with the capacity to exercise higher teaching and various researches regarding Zootechnics, in addition to training these academics to prepare and develop projects. The student body is formed by students who graduated from national or foreign institutions, observing the curricular requirements and selected through evaluations. And it maintains healthy partnerships, standing out, among others, CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, FAPEMIG, and also with other educational institutions. Student entries (tickets) are semiannual and for the title of Master in Zootechnics by UFVJM the academic must complete 24 credits in subjects (mandatory and elective), as well as pass the Dissertation exam.
Catholic University Of Brasilia -- Universidade Católica de Brasília UCB
Professional Master in Governance, Technology and Innovation
- Formosinha, Brazil
The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Governance, Technology, and Innovation (MGTI), from the Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB), is a professional master's program whose target audience is professionals who want to improve innovation and management processes in the context of digital transformation. Technology, knowledge management, strategic management, decision making, and decision support systems, intelligence, innovation, organizational learning, and governance are studied both in the Federal Public Administration and in the Private Sector. Therefore, the program is an ideal space for professionals from various institutions, for example, professionals from the Federal Court of Accounts, the Federal Comptroller General, from banking institutions, from the Federal Direct Administration.
University Center Eniac
Master in Quality and Productivity Engineering
- São Paulo, Brazil
The connection between different areas to enhance specific results is increasingly common. This is the case of the specialization in Quality and Productivity Engineering, which trains professionals in order to carry out the management of the production line by applying and monitoring the quality indexes and also acting in the selection, training, and development of the team of professionals in charge of production.
Augusto Motta University Centre (Centro Universitário Augusto Motta (UNISUAM))
- Bonsucesso, Brazil
Unique in Rio de Janeiro, the Academic Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Sciences at UNISUAM is recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and recommended by CAPES since 2009. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, it is aimed at all professionals involved in rehabilitation, such as Physiotherapists, Professionals of Physical Education, Occupational Therapists, Nutritionists, and Doctors, the Master's Degree at UNISUAM provides students with technical and scientific bases for research and teaching, making them able to exercise teaching activities in Higher Education and insert them into research activities. In addition, the course is part of UNISUAM's Rehabilitation Sciences program, which also includes the Academic Doctorate and Post-Doctorate to make your training even more complete.
The Federal University of Sao Joao Del-Rei - Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ)
Postgraduate Program in Performing Arts
- Fábricas, Brazil
The Postgraduate Program in Performing Arts was created in 2017 and is dedicated to undertaking theoretical / practical / reflective studies on the arts and activities that occupy the space of the scene and/or have in the presence of the scenic body the privileged field of their investigations. It problematizes the spectacular event, the installations of theatricality and performativities, whether in the perspective of its materialization, or in a theoretical, historical, critical, or conceptual approach; considering the artistic phenomenon that is the object of reflection in its scenic particularities as a phenomenon of culture.
Bahia Adventist University (Faculdade Adventista da Bahia (FADBA))
- Bahia, Brazil
Prepare professionals with a view to academic and technical qualification in the field of neuropsychology, from the perspective of interdisciplinary training, favoring an ethically and socially referenced praxis in the exercise of neuropsychology and its areas of expertise: assessment, qualification, and rehabilitation, in different contexts of professional insertion. Psychologists, pedagogues, psychopedagogists, physical educators, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, doctors, speech therapists