Master Programs in Argentina 2025
Universidad Austral
Master in Applied Economics
- Rosario, Argentina
Part time
15 months
Distance Learning
The Master in Applied Economics is an academic proposal from the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Universidad Austral that seeks to train professionals with a solid academic and professional base, capable of diagnosing, evaluating and solving economic problems.
University of Bologna in Argentina
Master in International Relations. Europe-Latin America
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Full time
1 year
Spanish, Italian
The master provides an academic and practical training aimed at understanding, managing, solving and anticipating problems and political-institutional, economic and strategic changes of public bodies and private companies linked to international relations, with a particular focus on Latin America and Europe.
Mente Argentina
Master in Journalism in Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Recoleta, Argentina
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Full time
The Mente Argentina Master’s Program in Journalism is designed for students from all over the world who not only want to get a Master’s in Journalism but also for those who seek an extraordinary learning experience in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Online Master in Big Data and Business Analytics
- Online
Full time
Distance Learning
The Master's Degree in Big Data & Business Analytics has been designed to take students from the concepts and foundations that have given rise to new technologies to turning them into specialists, with the ability to collect, adapt and process large volumes of data and its advanced analysis in any type of sector or industry.
Universidad Nacional De San Martin
Master in Environmental Management
- San Martín, Argentina
General Objective Provide high-level academic and professional training in research and teaching on issues related to environmental management; as well as in the analysis of the political, social, economic, administrative, legal, organizational, and instrumental aspects required for the design and evaluation of environmental policies. Specific Objectives - Provide knowledge about the dynamics of State-society-nature relations, the context in which they unfold, and the processes they involve. - Train for the conceptualization and empirical analysis of intra-state dynamics, the formative process of the environmental management apparatus, and the interdependence relationships established between its units. - Train in the handling of qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques for research and environmental management. - Develop activities that promote the analytical, critical, and creative capacity of students, working in multidisciplinary teams, trying to integrate their theoretical and methodological knowledge through case studies. - Provide specialized teaching in curriculum development and pedagogical techniques, with a view to training teachers and instructors of environmental management courses.
Universidad Nacional De Salta / National University Of Salta
- Salta Province, Argentina
objectives To train lawyers who want to develop their professional career, or part of it, within the Public Prosecutor's Offices of our country. Provide a systemic view of judicial institutions, with special emphasis on the place of the Public Prosecutor's Office and its organizational management. Provide students with theoretical and practical tools to address the challenges posed by modern criminal phenomena. Complete theoretical and practical training with a professional affiliation in different offices of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Province of Salta or the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Nation. Provide work skills aimed at developing specific skills in which the knowledge acquired during the course is applied, even for those who are already part of the Public Prosecutor's Offices of the country.
Universidad Nacional De Quilmes
Master in Territorial and Urban Development
- Bernal, Argentina
The main objective of the Master's program is to train graduates in disciplines related to Social, Economic and Territorial Sciences with academic excellence to act, advise, research and generate teaching on issues related to territorial and urban development and management in regional, national and international spheres. Its specific objectives include: • Critically reflect on the processes of territorial development and favor research and development activities in order to deepen and prioritize the theoretical-methodological debate and its application to the professional field. • Consolidate, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the training of teachers and researchers who from different areas of knowledge are focused on the problem of territorial development. • Train human resources in research that have a sufficient qualification level to generate a positive impact on professionalized academic and scientific production, particularly in the areas of theoretical problematization, economic-psychological-spatial interdisciplinarity, planning and ordering of the territorial and urban. • Achieve an academic and professional training of excellence, which demonstrates the capacity for analysis, study and also intervention in different spheres of action to lead social processes in the territory that combine: research of excellence, quality teaching, social responsibility and applicability of knowledge for a socially and environmentally sustainable and equitable development. • Generate cognitive skills at a theoretical, methodological and operational level for the design and management of research policies in urban and territorial matters and their applicability to programs and projects for development and planning on a regional and local scale. • Train professionals who contribute to strengthening institutions, modernizing university and research areas as well as local and regional governments, associating localities, communities and regions for their sustainable development. • Contribute to the construction of analytical capacities to strengthen management and the generation of strategic competencies at the level of social actors with a territorial base to link economic, social, political, environmental and cultural initiatives with the local and regional development process.
Universidad Nacional De Lomas De Zamora
Master in Integrated Management Systems
- Lomas de Zamora, Argentina
The master's degree seeks to train experts in Integrated Management Systems, both for the production and service industries, with extensive knowledge and strong theoretical bases combined with its methodological and practical application for development in various industrial and service environments. The career offers an academic level of excellence oriented to research and technology transfer to solve problems in the workplace. The graduates of the Master in Integrated Management Systems have a theoretical and practical background that allows an adequate analysis, design, planning, development, monitoring and evaluation of the processes of implementation, evaluation, management and audit of the Integrated Management Systems in all types of industrial and service organizations.
Universidad Nacional De Jose C. Paz (UNPAZ)
- José C. Paz, Argentina
The Specialization in University Teaching was created by Rectoral Resolution No. 229/16, and validated by Resolution of the Superior Council No. 66/16. It has provisional official recognition by Resolution-2018-127-APN-MECCYT and accreditation by the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU) by Act No. 471/17. This postgraduate degree is the first accredited at UNPAZ. Teacher training must be located in the broader context of institutional policy, as well as the academic policies of a university institution. In this sense, the Specialization seeks to generate spaces for reflection and construction of critical and diverse knowledge about policies and university education, in a complex and heterogeneous institution and promoting the search for common frameworks that allow articulating central objectives that, in the case of The National University of José Clemente Paz, suppose to offer formative proposals related to the needs of the town that sustains it, with academic quality and social inclusion, responding to the current educational policies for the sector. The Specialization in University Teaching contributes to the professionalization of university teaching and affects the improvement of teaching practices and teaching processes, as it enables the articulation of various pedagogical practices and discourses that are reflected from different disciplinary fields within the National University of José Clemente Paz. It will favor the identification of emerging problems in the field of university education, as it makes available a series of methodological devices and strategies, which, framed in the uniqueness of each situation, will allow teachers to produce solutions in a context of reflection. in and on the action.
Universidad Nacional De General Sarmiento
Master in Urban Studies
- Los Polvorines, Argentina
The issues of the city and the territory occupy a prominent place in the public and academic agendas. Urban and regional transformations, the reorganization of economies, the processes of segregation and socio-spatial fragmentation, as well as the challenges posed by the formulation of public policies, challenge the field of multiple disciplines and require the design of new theoretical-methodological approaches. The Master and Doctorate of the Urban Studies Program (PEU) intend to take on this challenge by training highly qualified resources, with capacities to perform within the science and technology systems and the agencies that are in charge of planning and managing the territory. The institutional framework of the UNGS offers the conditions for the possibility of this postgraduate degree. Since its foundation, the problem of urban studies has become one of the main axes of research and teaching, as manifested in the creation of the Instituto del Conurbano (ICO).
Universidad Nacional De Formosa Argentina
Specialization in University Teaching
- Avenida Doctor Luis Gutniski, Argentina
The Faculty of Humanities dependent on the National University of Formosa is a key institution in the human and professional development of the region. The training is deployed in all areas of science, training teachers, psychopedagogues and graduates, as well as their future trainers. The university community also has access to important services whose main objective is to facilitate the role of a university students.
Universidad Nacional De Córdoba - National University of Córdoba
Master in Demography
- Córdoba, Argentina
It tends to train professionals with solid theoretical and methodological training and critical capacity on the interaction of socio-economic and demographic processes and capable of intervening in decision-making, design, execution, and evaluation of policies. They are trained to work in interdisciplinary teams, which does not imply a mastery of multiple disciplines, but the flexibility to collaborate with other specialists in facing problems and in the fluid incorporation of demographic inputs in the social, economic, and political scenario. let it be examined.
Universidad Nacional De Catamarca
Specialization in Strategic Management of Telecommunications Services
- Catamarca, Argentina
develop technological knowledge, completing and integrating undergraduate training, facilitating the understanding of telecommunications networks of all kinds, covering aspects of project planning and management, adequate links to the geographies of the region, and communications in general adapted to the needs of companies, factories, and citizens in general. Encourage management capacity through understanding the characteristics of the organization (administration plus government) of the company and the technology associated with it.
Universidad Fasta Distancia
Specialization in Planning and Strategic Management of Educational Projects
- Mar del Plata, Argentina
The Specialization is structured according to the following training objectives: Incorporate the Project Management methodology in the areas of innovation and training. Strengthen basic skills and methodological resources for the analysis, formulation, planning, management, financing, and evaluation of projects. Provide the necessary tools for the use of information and communication systems in decision-making. Recognize the main theories and trends in project planning and management. Promote a systematic vision of the training field.
Universidad Fasta
Specialization in Legal Medicine
- Mar del Plata, Argentina
The Postgraduate career of Specialist in Legal Medicine of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of UFASTA, aims to train medical examiners with a high degree of scientific professionalism, truthful and ethically reliable, who help solve the questions that arise in legal cases, participating in the expert examination, which is of vital importance for the resolution of the cases.