Why Study Management?
Businesses need leaders. A good business leader understands business theory and economics and knows how to work with people. But they also require a host of other specific skills to deal with issues across all areas of their company. A career in business management can take in aspects of accounting, economics, marketing, human resources, or other areas – depending on the type of leadership in which you specialize.
- Education
Managers make a huge difference between a company failing or thriving. Thus, it is vital to have a firm understanding of both the theory and practice of management. Experience makes better leaders, but more experienced leaders need to frame their personal understanding within proven business models. A manager must be prepared to deal with predictable and unpredictable business and human issues.
The power of a business management degree
A thorough education in business management empowers a graduate to adapt to the specific needs of each business. A young entrepreneur may have great ideas and instincts, but their company is more likely to thrive if they’ve learned specific business skills and knowledge (such as creating a business plan and negotiating).
A degree in business management can forewarn you of aspects of the career you might never have imagined by yourself. It also gives you credibility in front of employers and investors (and boosts your potential salary). And it will also help you develop a valuable network of peers and professionals, including classmates, professors, mentors, and guest speakers.
Studying business is a chance to try your ideas in a safe setting and learn from your failures before things get serious. You will learn more about yourself – your strengths, challenges, ethics, and potential – as well as the hard science of decision-making.
Your career in management
You might work as a manager in marketing, engineering, construction, education, real estate, or one of many other sectors. As an example, the average pay for a marketing manager in the USA is upwards of €120,000 pa. If you’re smart, you’ll commit to lifelong learning outside of work even as you step from success to success, bringing your fresh knowledge to a fast-developing business landscape.
A strong business degree will give you an understanding of developing business trends and technologies, such as big data and AI, to set you apart from the competition for these jobs. Human- and environmental-oriented business ethics are the core of today’s responsible business leader. You will learn and practice business with a higher proportion of digital awareness and engagement than preceding generations.
And perhaps the top advantage of studying management right now is that you will explore and learn the best practices for running a business in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown.
A forward-looking business school
emlyon business school offers an innovative graduate management programs for the needs of the modern age. The school offers a general MSc in Management as well as degrees carefully designed for specific industries. Examples include the MSc in Health Management & Data Intelligence, MSc in Sports Industry Management, and MSc in International Hospitality Management.
The school's Early Makers teaching strategy is an innovative and democratic approach to learning while building meaningful networks. For example, the school created a partnership with the online learning start-up Wooclap to study and improve the use of technology in business education.
The scheme increases student participation and employability. It has also boosted the diversity of participants. “It is necessary to adapt the content of the courses to the different profiles of the new recruits from the very first session,” says marketing professor Alice Riou. “Our students in the Grande Ecole Program now have much more varied profiles: they come from preparatory classes but are also engineers, historians, lawyers, or pharmacists!”
This technological direction extends to the use of artificial intelligence to maximize the capacity to personalize student support. "AI's ability to analyze large amounts of data in real-time helps to meet MBA students' need for continual, targeted practice and personalized feedback," says Margherita Pagani, director of emlyon's research center on Artificial Intelligence in Value Creation.
However, emlyon students continue to benefit from tried-and-tested methods. The international perspective comes as standard with programs divided across international campuses in Paris, Shanghai, and other cities. And graduates are encouraged to conclude their studies with an international internship up to six months long.
International prospects
The international aspect is crucial. Each emlyon cohort includes students from dozens of different countries, ensuring a deep grounding in multicultural awareness. "Early in the year, we got some classes on cultural differences and emotional intelligence, and that really helped to understand others," says emlyon graduate Hortense Kirisli. "To me, that was one of the big things on the program: just the fact of being with all those international people -- that was really nice."
Before her International MBA, Hortense had found herself in an unexpected research and management position with a software company in Lille, France. “It gave me a nice overview of the different rules and positions within a company, which - coming from research - I didn’t know,” says Hortense. “But the CEO wanted me to take even more responsibility, and I felt that I was missing something.”
The MBA enabled Hortense to step across into her dream job with healthcare giant, Philips, in the Netherlands. “If I had to say what’s the added value of an MBA, I would simply say the MBA is the key on your resume that will make a difference,” she concludes.
Whether you’re looking for a general management program that covers all bases, or specialized knowledge for your particular industry, it’s clear that a master’s from emlyon provides both the education and the credibility you need to succeed.
“Entrepreneurship is basically a combination of idea and execution,” as emlyon graduate and founder of Nottx, Biju Menon puts it. "What the MBA does is, it gives you toolsets to execute it properly."
Curious? Check out this video for a glimpse of what life is like when you pursue a graduate degree in management at emlyon business school.
Article written in association with emlyon business school.
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